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Small pet peeve of mine. I have one macchine that produces mediocre at best numbers . The guys kids are always asking can i have one or two products which i say yes to all the time.  This has een about 20 times. Even when his kids are not around he or his partner ask me for a few things.. At the same time i purchase a can of soda and he takesmy dollar spontaneously while i am giving him 3 bucks worth of free product .  When  i figure out his commision he make sure it is correct  with his calculator as opposed to my calculator which of course could be wrong. The guy watches over me like a hawk when my share is roughly 20 bucks over  a 3 month period . I  just dont ever say anything to him.  Would any of you jst say screw his nasty and greedy atitude or jjst say no to his kids being on top of me wanting product. In a mall i am in i give away product to the secuirty guys just by asking them if they have any kids or nephews/nieces and will be happy yo give them a 2-3 2 inch toys and they are appreciative.   

Would any f you guys just say no to free product or pull your machines out at a certain point.   The only action/non action i take is either complaining to you guys or family.

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I don't give free product out routinely. And definitely not every time I see the same person. Unless it's a great account, I wouldn't be vending over backwards for them. If they get pissed,I'd pull the machine and cut out the headache. Sounds like it's not worth much anyway. 

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I'll give a small amount of candy to employees in a break room, figure I'll give em the craving for more lol. If I'm doing a toy machine i might offer a capsule to a kid close by just to make em happy. But that's about it. I've been surprised at how little any of my account care about my math or servicing techniques. So if one started being annoying watching my every move, i'd probably pull after a couple times of that, it's not the norm.

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Thanks for the responses. I just did this guys machine this morning.   I  gave him his commission . wrote the amount on a piece of paper and told him if you have a problem with the amount call me and abruptly left.    He was too busy to watch me count 20 dollars worth of quarters.    Agree with you AMD about how others have a hands off attitude and don't micromanage. This guy is A exception. 

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The only times i give free candy is.

A. Test vend before i leave if somone is to take it. 

B. One time i cancelled a candy it just wasnt making much anywhere even on high performance areas so i gave this guy the whole machines worth. The guy told everyone and they are happy to see me

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do have places where I routinely leave candy for the employees. I don't mind doing it at all, especially if it's a decent account. And if I see a kid watching me who is well mannered, I will frequently ask their mom or dad if it's ok to give them some. But, I do get tired of being asked for free candy by adult customers who just happen to be there when I'm servicing a machine. My usual response to them is "free candy day was yesterday".  Some are aware that my response is facetious, and others aren't.

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I have an employee that has a problem with giving away too much free product I discovered and have corrected but about a month ago I went into one of the locations and there was an employee asking if I could give her something (I can't remember what that one was) I'm sure I looked at her a little weird but said "I guess I can". I went on servicing the other machines and she came back over and asked if she could have a specific NFL team whistle???? My reply probably a little agitated " I apologize I need to get to a lot of accounts serviced, I don't have the time to look through a whole box of whistles for a team to give you".  Of course it doesn't end there she then finds a Chicago Bears whistle 3/4 of the ways down my head, "well, just get me that one, the other guy gives us free stuff".  the reply "well I'm his boss and I'm going to have a little talk with him, I'm busy and need to get back to work". 

I work too hard to give away free stuff, if it is an owner or good manager a little here and there is fine. Regular employees or customers that think they can come and ask........sure if you give me .50, .75, or $1. No way I would for a type of guy you are talking about in that type of account. 

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If I don't feel comfortable inside a location, or get bad vibes from the people I'm doing business with, I don't hesitate to pull the machine.  There is nothing worse than walking into a location you despise.  I always pull and relocate the machine into a business I enjoy walking into.  This is the greatest strength of vending.  But then again, I only deal with single head gumball machines, which are very mobile.  If you are dealing with multiple machines, and large sets, then it would be more difficult for you to pull out.  I used to own cigarette machines, and they were not very mobile at all, they were basically permanent, because they were so heavy, and I always used to hate walking into 1 location, because similar to you, the bar owner was constantly hovering over me, watching every dollar I counted, and always asked for more money.  It got to the point, where I ended up selling the machine, because he was such a greedy piece of garbage, chasing after a few dollars every time i walked in.  It just wasn't worth it.  There are thousands of locations, and thousands of different people to conduct business with.  You are in control of your territory, and you can create the environment that suits you.  This is our biggest advantage.  It takes time, patience, trial/error, but eventually you will create the best and most sound environment.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I routinely give out free product, it creates good will, especially with employees who are often your biggest customers.  Yeah it's typically a gumball (cost 3 cents right) & I usually even ask what flavor they'd like.  Locations are our lifeblood.  Pulling machines because I'm pissed is a last resort.  Better that's it out making $ then in storage.  Locations have ebbs & flows- had a spot where gum routinely did $60 a month, I go there 1 month to find $8 in there.  Asked an employee what he thought, he told me the owners son used to pump $1+ a day in but he'd recently died (ouch talk about awkward).  I've also had $3 machines, location gets a new employee and becomes a $23 machine.  Just my opinion.

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VendUSA, that's a good outlook.  I did have a case, where I was inside a location where there was 1 other gumball machine.  It was a giant pinball gumball machine, meanwhile, mine was a tiny stand alone machine.  The location was doing approximately 6.00/month, and I was making plans to pull the machine.  I found a replacement location, and I decided to go back in to pull it out (3 months since my last visit), I walk inside, and the machine was ALMOST sold out. I was like WTF!  LOL, realized the owner did some remodeling and removed the giant pinball gumball machine, and since my machine is now solo, it went from being a location I was ABOUT to pull out, to being one of my top locations.  So, you made a very solid point.  Anything can happen, and small changes inside the location (new employee, machines leaving, etc) can be a huge game changer.  If I would've walked into that location 1 month earlier to pull it out, I could've made a costly mistake.  Its so hard to tell.  

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On 11/25/2017 at 5:13 PM, GumballDragon said:

VendUSA, that's a good outlook.  I did have a case, where I was inside a location where there was 1 other gumball machine.  It was a giant pinball gumball machine, meanwhile, mine was a tiny stand alone machine.  The location was doing approximately 6.00/month, and I was making plans to pull the machine.  I found a replacement location, and I decided to go back in to pull it out (3 months since my last visit), I walk inside, and the machine was ALMOST sold out. I was like WTF!  LOL, realized the owner did some remodeling and removed the giant pinball gumball machine, and since my machine is now solo, it went from being a location I was ABOUT to pull out, to being one of my top locations.  So, you made a very solid point.  Anything can happen, and small changes inside the location (new employee, machines leaving, etc) can be a huge game changer.  If I would've walked into that location 1 month earlier to pull it out, I could've made a costly mistake.  Its so hard to tell.  

I agree

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