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Snack and Candy Supplier Alternatives?

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If you need LSS then your gonna have to find a foodservice/ cash and carry/ vending distributer/Vistar/Sams or Buisness Costco.

Maybe ask around to independent convenience stores and see if they will let you piggy back on their orders.

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I get probably 85% of my product from Sam's.  I get all of my 7up products from the distributor, some products from VSO, and very little from grocery stores when I need odd products like diet Dr pepper or caffeine free diet coke.  I could get away with just using the grocery store and Sam's if I had to but there's a lot of things I can get from VSO that I can't get from a place that isn't a vending distributor.  Sam's is cheapest for most items.

I have begun to run into time issues so going to Sam's every day is becoming a problem.  I have begun to try prekitting more as a result.  I'm learning as I go as it isn't quite as simple as it seems but it is still much faster and easier.  This allows me more time.  The trick now is to schedule when I pick up orders.  I try to run my route and pick up stock at Sam's at the end of the day so I can prekit for the next day.  It saves a lot of money by going to Sam's.

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