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Crane 490D

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I picked up a  Crane 490D combo machine.    

There is already a credit device hooked up on this machine, however, it says disabled by machine when you try to buy something.   I looked through the manual and see that there is supposed to be an option to turn credit card on and off but for some reason, I do not see that option in the menu settings.  Further, I am unable to get a Dex report to read to a handheld.   Any ideas how to fix?  Does something need to be updated/changed?   thanks.

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Your post is a bit confusing to me. Firstly, you say it says disabled "when" you try to buy something.  Are you saying that you swipe a card and THEN it says disabled or it says it all the time?

Have you already activated it?

I can't look it up right now but in alot of Nationals, you press "configure machine", then use the arrows to get to "no card" or "dumb card" or "mdb card". You want "MDB card" unless you have some rare card reader.  To change card reader choice, press "edit"

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The card reader is probably disabled due to an ownership transfer.  You can't use a card reader without getting your own merchant account and linking it to your bank account.  If you already did that did you reconfigure the card reader and update the firmware?  If so then run an RSSI test for signal strength, yours may be too weak in that location.

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Sorry for the late reply.   

Credit Card is already transferred.   

Here lays the problem. For some reason when I scroll the menus looking for this option, it does not exist and is probably the reason why when you swipe a card it says "disabled from machine." Is the  software old? Or is the menu hidden somewhere?   

I can't look it up right now but in alot of Nationals, you press "configure machine", then use the arrows to get to "no card" or "dumb card" or "mdb card". You want "MDB card" unless you have some rare card reader.  To change card reader choice, press "edit"

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