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Wittern 3514


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Hey All,

I need help with programing of the motors on a wittern 3154 snack machine.   The issue is the I have two motors that are not doing a full 360 degree rotation.   They rotate about 180 degrees.  Then the drop sensor doesn't recognize the food and rotates another 180 degrees.   Then when the next person goes to purchase it rotates the same as before but wont recognize the food and it is stuck leading to make another selection.  I briefly saw in the manual that you can program the motors on how much to rotate but I cannot find where/how to program that to rotate a full 180 degrees.  Is anybody familiar with this and how to program to 360 degrees?



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I believe this must be a half turn selection.   The two selections are for like Snickers.   The spindle has a bar running down the middle which holds the candy all the way to the side. I have always stocked just on the right side of the bar running down the middle.   Reading your replies I am thinking I may have made a mistake.   On a spindle like this(bar down the middle) should you stock on both sides of the spindle(one snickers on the right, left, right left?   I am not sure if a snickers would fit on both side,  but hearing these responses I feel like that's the only way that make sense.   If I go to more normal spindle do I need to change the motor?   Is it programming or the motor dictating the 180 degree turn vs. the 360 degree turn.   I can also switch out motors/spindles to verify it is a programming issue.....

Monday morning I will go test that if that's the best approach.  

I know its not the drop sensor because it works flawlessly on everything but these two selection. 

This machine was in storage for 4 months.   Before that it was on location but I didn't hear any complaints.  

Thanks for you all's input. 

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Yes.. I thought you might have a 1/2 turn situation which is why I asked if it started recently or not.  Those spirals work in conjunction with the 1/2 turn motors and they are made primarily for gum but anything small will work.  They are not made for candy bars like that.

I haven't changed a motor in one of those machines so I don't know how easy/difficult it is but you really should just replace the motor + spiral with a regular motor and 15 or 18 count spiral (or whatever USI has) if you want to put candy there.

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