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History Told In $$


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Looks like conspiracy propaganda crap.

It is available on YouTube, broken up into 22 parts. A little easier to watch.

I only watched the first 3 though. But it was obvious from the start, when they had various symbols appear on the screen, but only one seemed to pop up center stage, toward the end of the introduction, a swastika. They do give some real information, but the purpose is to obviously put the Federal Reserve (and all bankers) in a bad light.

I won't say there are not issues with the Federal Reserve, and is worthy of a political discussion, but this movie is propagandizing crap.

They give a mention of the Money Changers from the bible, and then suddenly use the term to refer to all bankers. They did not mention that the problem wasn't the fact they were changing money, but where they were doing it that was of issue in the bible. (Although they did give some reasons as to why it was bad.) To suddenly start referring to bankers as money changers is manipulative, and intentional.

They practically say that the Fed controls the government, and while they may wield a little power, it is not barely as much as they imply. Also they give the impression that the only reason the USA has any debt is because of the Federal Reserve, and that we should apparently ignore any efforts toward balancing budgets. (What?)

Maybe only watching 3/22 of it doesn't give me the whole picture, but after watching what I have, I don't think it is worth wasting 3 hours on. Anyone who does watch this should try to keep a skeptical mind, and possibly verify anything they say before believing it. (Hard to do on issues like this.)

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Looks like conspiracy propaganda crap.

Amen, I only watched about 15 minutes before I pulled the plug.

Maybe I'm too much of an optimist but with all this country has been through and survived over the last 200+ years I cannot believe that we won't come up with a solution to solve the current problems we are facing.

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My wife, looking over my shoulder, said "It's a 3hr video!" as I hit play. I said" NO, it is only 3 mins, uhm no wait It is 3hrs!" I hit the stop button and made this post. Any one got the clikk notes version??

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LOL when i clicked this i said to myself "is this gonna be the money masters"

historically this film is very accurate its not really a conspiracy movie but they use a distorted perspective to spin facts, to be sure. interesting tho if you dont take it too seriously, as a history of banking its very well researched

the end where they present solutions actually makes a great deal of sense because they dont advocate for returning to a gold standard which is what i thought they were going to say, i actually sort of agree with their solutions even if the way they frame everything is sort of cheesy

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I only watched a 1/2 hour of the film. From that little bit, I could not tell when it was produced, though I knew it wasn't very recent. I noticed a reference to some guy who was a presidential candidate and found he was running for the 1996 and 2000 presidential elections. This means that the film was produced during that time. I find it interesting that it predicted that there was going to be coming depression where people were going to lose their houses, jobs, etc. I know that real estate is suppose to be a lucrative endeavor, and that downturns rarely happen in that field, so I was fascinated to hear that prediction had come true.

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historically this film is very accurate its not really a conspiracy movie but they use a distorted perspective to spin facts, to be sure. interesting tho if you dont take it too seriously, as a history of banking its very well researched

Well said. Some of the connections they try to make are I'll say reaching at best, but the concepts it highlights like fractional reserve lending are indisputable. The idea that banks can create money from nothing without even needing to print currency is outrageous.

For those looking for a summary:


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