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The Mage!


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The Mage celebrates his/her 2nd anniversary on the forum today. Happy anniversary Mage and thank you for everything you've contributed to TVF!

"The Mage: Non gender specific term. The Mage is a master of intellect and manipulator of elemental energies, often called mana. These energies can only be absorbed,stored, and channeled by those trained in the art of magic. Through the use of magic, The Mage has the ability to control and change the very world we live in.”

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The Mage celebrates his/her 2nd anniversary on the forum today. Happy anniversary Mage and thank you for everything you've contributed to TVF!

"The Mage: Non gender specific term. The Mage is a master of intellect and manipulator of elemental energies, often called mana. These energies can only be absorbed,stored, and channeled by those trained in the art of magic. Through the use of magic, The Mage has the ability to control and change the very world we live in.”

Wow. We need to start a club.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How did I miss this one? (Maybe because I just got back from Corpus Christi about the time this thread went up.)

I have actually been using THE MAGE as my handle online for over a decade now, and just this year put it on my license plate. Unfortunately it is sometimes unavailable, so apparently I am no the only Mage out there.

I have been quit recently, but that just means I have been busy. (Very very busy.) But yesterday was the last day of work before a 3 month leave of absence. (Feels so weird to not have a job, at least temporarily.) Depending on events, I may extend my time, or just quit altogether. But I dislike the idea of cutting my ties just in case.

I have become debt free, and have stockpiled some cash, so my expenses are down, but this still leaves me with a negative cash flow. In 3 months I will take a look at my situation, and hopefully will at least be break even.

Well that's more then anyone wanted to know.

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I have become debt free, and have stockpiled some cash, so my expenses are down, but this still leaves me with a negative cash flow. In 3 months I will take a look at my situation, and hopefully will at least be break even.

I guess its time to get serious about growing the business.

Corpus is a great place to spend a little time, work or R&R. My parents are retired in the area so I get down there pretty regularly.

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  • 11 months later...


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