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Spelling and punctuation.


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Is it just me or is there a really bad new trend of internet forum users to not give a crap whether or not they spell correctly? I've noticed way too many new people here who just can't seem to care whether or not their posts are intelligable. I mean, some peoples' posts are so bad, I don't even want to bother to read and decypher them. Maybe It's the fault of too many mobile phone posters, but that is no excuse. If you want to be taken seriously, please take the time to spell your posts correctly, and learn how to use punctuation. Notice how I use a period to end each statement, and a question mark to end each question? Commas are your friends, too.

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Spellcheck has saved my golpher many times. It is such a simple thing so there is really no excuse.

Sent using Tapatalk for Android.

Agreed, but spellcheck does not fix all things. Example, improper use of words like their instead of there.

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Is it just me or is there a really bad new trend of internet forum users to not give a crap whether or not they spell correctly? I've noticed way too many new people here who just can't seem to care whether or not their posts are intelligable. I mean, some peoples' posts are so bad, I don't even want to bother to read and decypher them. Maybe It's the fault of too many mobile phone posters, but that is no excuse. If you want to be taken seriously, please take the time to spell your posts correctly, and learn how to use punctuation. Notice how I use a period to end each statement, and a question mark to end each question? Commas are your friends, too.

This is coming from a person that types prolly instead of probably? Ummm, OK!

If I have trouble reading the post, I just move on to the next one because it probably isn't worth replying to. The spell check feature should be used to spare us all but they are too lazy or don't know what it is.

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I know my spelling used to be atrocious. I loves me the spell-check. (Poor grammar is okay if it is intentional.) I don't have a problem with relaxed English, but some people actually weaken themselves with their language skills. If you cannot communicate properly, you cannot convey or receive ideas and concepts.

Now I have started texting quite a bit over the past few years, but not really before that. I do understand most of the shorthand and slang used for texting, and understand why. I have decided that if I am going to text, it is going to be full English, not shorthand.

I will say that learning a good form of shorthand is very beneficial for taking notes.

Sent from my computer using a freak'n keyboard.

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