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Do you ever eat at spots that kicked you out?

JLM Vending

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I have been wondering if i should avoid asking places that i like to eat at. Maybe it's not good to mix work and pleasure. Because if something goes wrong, you might not be in the mood to go back there. If you like to hang out a certain bar how can you go back if they kicked you out? Im starting to wonder if it's a good idea to stay away from some of the spots that I like since there are still plenty of others.

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I still support businesses that have either turned me down, or kicked me out. It is their right to do so, and there will always be more locations to get. If you get the boot, don't take it personally- like Lurts said, you can always try to get the spot back.

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I take it more personal. If my machine is not good enough for them, then neither is my money. I also tell them that.

Im curious what some of their responses were when you told them that to their face

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Im curious what some of their responses were when you told them that to their face

Just usually told to leave or get off the property. Get cussed sometimes. Believe it or not I have a neighbor who owns a hardware store. I asked to put a single gumball machine in his place and he wouldn't let me. This is a place where I bought shingles and roofing felt to roof both my houses. I have not spent a penny there since. Been about 2 years now. I also honk the horn at him whenever I have something in the back of my truck that came from another hardware store.

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this is why maybe i should question putting them in my favorite restaurants.

If you take good care of your customers getting kicked out should not be an issue..... even if it does happen its a good reason to try that place down the street that you've never been to.

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I boycott accounts that do not let me do business with them, if there is no apparent reason why I don't get the okay. I will make it a point to support my accounts. I do business with them and also tell everyone, I know, to do business with them.


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Just usually told to leave or get off the property. Get cussed sometimes. Believe it or not I have a neighbor who owns a hardware store. I asked to put a single gumball machine in his place and he wouldn't let me. This is a place where I bought shingles and roofing felt to roof both my houses. I have not spent a penny there since. Been about 2 years now. I also honk the horn at him whenever I have something in the back of my truck that came from another hardware store.

Were you blunt with them? Is that why they cussed at you? And why doesn't your neighbor let you install a gumball if he is losing business now? And what was his reaction when he saw your hardware products? To me he's an idiot for losing business.

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Were you blunt with them? Is that why they cussed at you? And why doesn't your neighbor let you install a gumball if he is losing business now? And what was his reaction when he saw your hardware products? To me he's an idiot for losing business.

I was blunt with the neighbor, Yes. They cussed because they were showing their IQ level. The bridge has been burned with the neighbor and I really don't care what he thinks. It was funny watching a Lowes truck deliver a load of lumber for my deck and the neighbor standing in his window watching them unload it. And yes, I think he is an idiot now too.

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I was blunt with the neighbor, Yes. They cussed because they were showing their IQ level. The bridge has been burned with the neighbor and I really don't care what he thinks. It was funny watching a Lowes truck deliver a load of lumber for my deck and the neighbor standing in his window watching them unload it. And yes, I think he is an idiot now too.

wow. if im your neighbor, i would just say oh i was too strict. I'll give you a good deal on your next hardware purchase and I'll let you put the gumball machine in the store.

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I don't actively boycott places that have kicked me or turned me down. I do however actively attempt to do business with customers whenever possible. When I have the choice of where I will spend my money - all other things being equal - I'll pick the customer over the non-customer every time.

When I get kicked out or turned down I try to remain friendly and courteous. IMHO its bad to burn bridges - you turn a "NO - for now" into a "NO forever"

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I don't actively boycott places that have kicked me or turned me down. I do however actively attempt to do business with customers whenever possible. When I have the choice of where I will spend my money - all other things being equal - I'll pick the customer over the non-customer every time.

When I get kicked out or turned down I try to remain friendly and courteous. IMHO its bad to burn bridges - you turn a "NO - for now" into a "NO forever"

very true. I mean what good is it to show them up?

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I always act civil, even if I am kicked out. One of the reasons is that I don't want to create any sort of negative reputation. While I think it is a small risk, I still don't even want to hear that I was turned down because they heard about me from this person or business.

Also it really doesn't help to take things like this personally. One business I attempted to work with, but got the boot, and I wasn't too happy, but I was completely civil about it. But I was going to try this business out, and since changed my mind.

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I always act civil, even if I am kicked out. One of the reasons is that I don't want to create any sort of negative reputation. While I think it is a small risk, I still don't even want to hear that I was turned down because they heard about me from this person or business.

Kudos to you Mage for taking the high road! But I would simply dump a case of stale gumballs in their parking lot and drive away laughing! Better yet, get a bunch of kids to chew some gum and spit it out all over their sidewalk! Is that civil enough??? :rolleyes:

Pay back is sweet!!! :-*

Well to be honest, I have never really done that. But have been temped a few times! Just a little gumball humor! ;D

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I got kicked out of a gravy gumball location once, at a local Mexican restaurant.. I had been there for about 3 years. Then one day there was a 7-way rack sitting in the lobby. The owner asked me to remove my machine, because he couldn't verify my charity "credentials". I was thinking to myself "WTF? What credentials?" Then I realized, that the new commission rack vender talked a bunch of smack about charity venders and fed them that line about "credentials". I knew there was nothing I could do, so I just pulled it and walked out.

I used to frequent that restaurant, but I have not been in once time since. I refuse to do so.

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My mantra is to patronize the places that use my machines as much as possible. If someone turns me down or kicks my machine out, as long as they do it politely, I will continue to use their services (unless someone who has one of my machines does the same service). If they are rude or short tempered then they have lost my business for life.

You know what they say . . . someone who is nice to you but a jerk to the waiter is a jerk. When I go in to try to get one of my machines placed, I am not a customer and of no significance to this persons business. How they treat me in that scenario says a lot about them.

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I got kicked out of a gravy gumball location once, at a local Mexican restaurant.. I had been there for about 3 years. Then one day there was a 7-way rack sitting in the lobby. The owner asked me to remove my machine, because he couldn't verify my charity "credentials". I was thinking to myself "WTF? What credentials?" Then I realized, that the new commission rack vender talked a bunch of smack about charity venders and fed them that line about "credentials". I knew there was nothing I could do, so I just pulled it and walked out.

I used to frequent that restaurant, but I have not been in once time since. I refuse to do so.

Yeah, I'm actually prepared for similar situations. My response would be, "Oh, the credential scam, that's an old one. Sure no problem, I'll pull out the machine, but that sticker right there are my credentials, and so is this card. (Got the NCCS card on me, but it is expired.) The charity can be verified through the Better Business Bureau, and you can contact the charity to verify my connection if you wish. Just keep an eye on that new vendor. Anyone who would do that to get a location...I'm just saying. Anyway have a nice day."

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I might not go back their and support them but if you eat their regularly and support them but have not had machines their make it known that you support them and make friends with the staff then solicit the account, this will give you a slightly better chance.

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