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The united states of America has spoken


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They voted for increasing fuel cost, borrowing money we can not pay back, higher healthcare cost and higher unemployment.

I have a great deal of respect for you Hav. However, the policies most affecting unemployment come from the federal reserve rather than the white house, and the federal reserve has been correctly implementing monetary policy for macroeconomic conditions that reduce employment. Romney wanted to pursue a strong dollar policy that would've encouraged outsourcing and raised the cost of our national debt without releasing a budget that could survive the assault of "math". Tax cuts for millionaires was NOT an intelligent economic plan. The upper middle class pays the highest marginal tax rates. The simple sign that you're probably past being "upper middle class", is that the majority of your income falls under the brackets for capital gains or carried interest. In other words, you might be upper class if you pay 15%. Meanwhile, vendors are paying that in fica taxes alone. Before factoring in sales taxes, federal income tax, state income tax (some states tax capital gains/carried interest, but not very effectively). Those that are rich enough to take their compensation that way can move to states that won't tax it. Why does a man that sells a bond deserve a 15% tax rate, while a man that sells a bag of chips deserve a 50% tax rate? Both take a product and sell it, but one that makes more money gets to keep a higher percent.

Gas prices will be higher? Yes, that is probably true. Higher healthcare costs? It depends on who you ask. Now many of them will have to wait hours to see a doctor instead of being able to immediately never see a doctor.

Does that mean I want Obamacare? No. Do I think it is a good law? Not really. When it was initially written with additional regulations I called my representatives and informed them that I was going to be voting against them--no matter who they ran against--because of their decision. However, the right has created a fictitious environment in which health insurance was a well functioning machine. It was not. The system was horribly broken, and it remains horribly broken. Doctors face perverse incentives, and many people make the choice to go without insurance then demand medical care. I don't like being required to buy it, but I really don't like paying for the guy with no insurance that shows up demanding care.

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List of reasons to dislike Obama....


Deficits as far as they eye can see. Anyone remember Argentina currency crisis last century? How about Germany in the 1920s. We are headed there and faster because of Obama's debt. This crisis will happen, probably would have happend under Romney too, but would have been pushed off further under him. Under Obama, I figure we have 2 years at most before the 'chickens come home to roost' and the Chinese come to collect the money owed them!

Higher taxes, he says for the rich, but we are all gonna have to pay more. See debt above. Even 100% taxes on the rich wont close the deficit. So take out your wallet small business owners and pony up!

More regulation on many topics, but top of the list are fracking and coal. So gas for our cars and electricity are more expensive as a result.

Also no offshore oil drilling, relates to last.

Apoligizing for America in the Middle East where they still hate us, snubbing Bibi when he desperately needs our help with Iran.

Benghazigate, leaving those Americans out on a limb to die when we could have helped them is a despicable act. Only retaining of Senate keeps Obama from being impeached over this.

I could go own, but all these negatives are making my head hurt. Our future is gonna be really rocky!

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If everyone can think with a clear head briefly, and look at all the surrounding data, R and O were really just imperfect copies of each other. For all the talk of "obamacare" that conservatives rant about, its pretty surprising that their candidate implemented a strikingly similar policy in his own state. Sure, each candidate did a great job of spouting their respective parties rhetoric, but in the end the true differences between the two was miniscule.

Economies move in cycles. It didnt matter who won the election; after time the economy will go back up. Federal spending will not be cut, the deficit will not decrease. Tax code reform, immigration reform, and social security reform will not occur, regardless of which of the two had won.

I myself tend to lean conservative, but Mitt was a joke. I think a joke I read sums it up nicely: "A conservative, a moderate, and a liberal walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, "Hey Mitt! What are ya having?"".

Ron Paul had my vote.

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Well thanks to obama care my per month cost went up $34, plus less coverage and more out of the pocket expense. Being told by my 31 plus year employer to shop around for the best price?

Good thing I'm never sick!

Can't wait for the taxes to hit us now!

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Well thanks to obama care my per month cost went up $34, plus less coverage and more out of the pocket expense.

Enjoy! I've been enduring this with Romneycare for years now! :lol:

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I myself tend to lean conservative, but Mitt was a joke. I think a joke I read sums it up nicely: "A conservative, a moderate, and a liberal walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, "Hey Mitt! What are ya having?"".

That does sum it up rather nicely.

Very accurate, too.

Undecided voters would have found it much easier to support Mitt if he hadn't flipped on so many issues and flopped on his views publicly.

He became the proverbial "spork" - that spoon-n-fork plastic utensil you get at eateries that sucks at being either a spoon or a fork.

Trying too hard to please too many different types of voter made Mitt appear two-faced to those very same people he was trying to win over.

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I myself having served for my country am so very disappointed in the people I served to protect. Having had four years of nothing but deeper hole to never get out of they decide to have another four years and another deeper hole to never get out of. I believe we have just seen the end of the united states as we know it. All of you that voted for obama pat yourself on the back and bend way over because its coming and sooner than you think.

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Without commenting on who should have won the election, I remember the dems saying almost the exact same things when W won in 2004. People talking about moving overseas, people saying the SCOTUS would be negatively impacted for 25 years, etc. Are we really more divided in the past 10 years, or have people felt this strongly after every election in the past hundred years? Cyclical nature of politics, or is it different this time?

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Without commenting on who should have won the election, I remember the dems saying almost the exact same things when W won in 2004. People talking about moving overseas, people saying the SCOTUS would be negatively impacted for 25 years, etc. Are we really more divided in the past 10 years, or have people felt this strongly after every election in the past hundred years? Cyclical nature of politics, or is it different this time?

I agree with this. I remember when Reagan was elected. Everyone was running around like the sky was falling. I heard the same old B.S. about the country collapsing and even people saying the world would end because Ronnie would propel us into nuclear armageddon!

Since then, I've come to the conclusion that nothing ever changes from one president to the next. Never does, never will.

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I am neither an Obama Hater or a Romney Lover. I was never comfortable with R. But here is something I pointed out to the people I was watching with last night when CNN kept showing the county by county maps in all the big swing states. The little urban areas in blue are the people on government assistance or want the government to do things for them. The big areas in red pay for the government assistance. Its that simple folks.

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I was a Herman Cain fan too, but alas his campaign was not to be. I was a Mitt fan only because he was not Obama and definitely not a socilist/marxist. He was definitely the lesser of two evils. I was dead set against Obamacare and thought Mitt was our last chance to obliterate it. Now...I am just sad to see our Democracy in tatters.

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I was dead set against Obamacare and thought Mitt was our last chance to obliterate it.

He wouldn't have obliterated it. He would've just renamed it to Romneycare. We already have it here. Had it long before anyone ever heard of obamacare.

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U S Army Reagan and had no record of what he could or would do. Bush on his second term had arecord which wasn't to bad but we were in the middle of having our towers destroyed. This person has arecord of obamacare and giving women free birth control to save them 9.00 month.nothing more . I recieved a heart transplant and am on very critical medicine. When this s--- kicks in I'm going to be in a very bad way one med costs 1'385.00 month. For now insurance pays most of that but after Jan. who knows. I have to have expensive tests every 3 months covered for now but whats to happen when that panel of 15 govn. idiots decide our medical fate.

The worse thing to me was the Bengazi situation, it will never be known how much these idiots knew and did nothing for those 4 that was murdered. It wouldn't surprise me if the govn. comes out and charges the one person that disobeyed orders and went to the aid of his countrymen in need, with disobeying a lawfull order and deriliction of duty. SHAMEFULL, DISGRACEFULL and a SLAP IN THE FACE TO ALL AMERICANS.

How could anyone want 4 more yrs. of this.

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