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Unknown Machine


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Hey, have an offer here for a soda machine, but the seller doesn't know what kind it is.

Can anyone identify this, and give me an idea of how much I should expect to pay?

In answer to the inevitable question, he's a warehouse guy for a local vending business, and handles selling off their recently upgraded machines. I get the feeling he handles some part of the business that doesn't require him to know his machines very well.

Thanks in advance!



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You are not really considering putting that machine on a location for retail sales? That machine is circa 1989 with few technology upgrades available. Any cosmetic upgrades, which are badly needed will cost more than the machine is worth. 

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20 minutes ago, lacanteen said:

You are not really considering putting that machine on a location for retail sales? That machine is circa 1989 with few technology upgrades available. Any cosmetic upgrades, which are badly needed will cost more than the machine is worth. 

Really good to know. I'm eager to get my first machine, but more eager to get a good machine.

You'll have to excuse me if I (or my questions) seem a little asinine. I have much to learn.

What are your thoughts on the FSI 3030 I'm contemplating?

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3 hours ago, rebbenyamin said:

Well I certainly fall into that category, I had no idea. Give me a chance though, I'm really new to this. :D

Thanks much for the answer!

You are new. For the conpany selling it to not know what it is would be like a used car salesman to not be able to recognize a ford f150  the 501t might be the most common vending machine model ever.

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19 minutes ago, AngryChris said:

You are new. For the conpany selling it to not know what it is would be like a used car salesman to not be able to recognize a ford f150  the 501t might be the most common vending machine model ever.

Good point. It is very odd.

I'm wondering if I we simply misunderstood each other and he thought I was asking about year and SN, while he just assumed I'd know what model it is. (Still, I'd hope he'd at least know the year of his machine.)

Regardless, at some point in the next week I'll be swinging by his warehouse to take a look at what he has to offer. I'm going in as an interested party, nothing more. Plus, I have a strong in-person sales resistance so I'm not worried about being pressured into anything.

Hopefully meeting the man face to face will give me a better idea of who he is and if I even want to do business with him at all.

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Met the man today. It definitely makes more sense now. He's in sales for their company and handles all used machines as a matter of coincidence really. I get the impression that he's seen vending machines, but only really knows what the techs who pull them from location tell him.

Thus the inability to recognize the DN 501t.

Regardless, he's a great guy, very professional, and very straightforward. He even went so far as to tell me how much he'd get for scrap on a certain machine and told me to just make an offer.

He's had more come in as well, a couple nice wittern 3500 and a pristine vendo among others.

I'll likely post more questions as time goes on and I check out his stock.

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