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Need Some Quick Help National 157


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We have got a National 157 at one of our bigger accounts.  We thought that the changer had just went bad.  But come to find out that it had blown the Fuse behind the front panel.  We replaced the fuse and put in a new Changer and it still wont work.  The validator will accept and work but not give any change.  Any suggestions......We are at a lost and don't have anyone local to work on it..... .It is a big account and they are kind of high maintenance ...... So we are trying to get if fixed ASAP..........Thanks for the help.

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First, open the door and press "exit" until you have a "ready" screen.  Press "machine config" on the service pad then scroll down to mech which should say "dumb mech".  If it says that already, it's probably the board. If it says anything else, press "edit" until it says dumb.

The best solution, would be to change everything over to MDB which uses a totally different part of the board. All you need is part # 9989706 MDB harness, and a MDB mech and validator. 

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27 minutes ago, AngryChris said:

Bring screwdrivers and needlenose pliers.

And a goat, don't forget the goat.  All you will need a a 1/4" nut driver to loosen the top & bottom screws of the board cover, lift then remove, then remove the 1 screw in the top left corner of the board. The board then slides up maybe 1/4" then toward you. The connectors are polarized and generally moron proof. If you are really green, have a Sharpie to write the plug number on each harness plug.

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