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Need help on understanding FDA Labeling requirements


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27 minutes ago, rmotion said:

I know the FDA Labeling requirements are for operators that own 20 plus machines, but how would you even be able to provide that info and where on the machine would it go.

It's actually 20+ snack machines and they want you to buy one of those auxiliary screens which display the calories when a specific product is selected.  Available from VE, not only are they expensive but you need an Mdb machine to hook the sucker up.

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Yes, front labeling is sufficient.  VE is Vendors Exchange but I wouldn't invest in one (called the MIND screen) unless you were forced to by a VERY good account.  This kind of overreach by the Feds is a bunch of crap and hasn't, to my knowledge, been enforced anywhere yet.

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This was part of the ACA (Obamacare) and I doubt that there will be any funding for enforcement under this administration, but it is still the law.  20 or more vending machines food or beverage, not just snack.  You don't have to have video.  Front of pack if visible is sufficient, or you can post calorie info for each machine in a printed format visible while the customer is choosing products.  You should make sure your drink machines have calorie info on the flavor strips (all newer designs do).

Lots of the usual Federal red tape and overdeveloped rules and regs.   If you enjoy headaches and ulcers, click on the link for the official website, rules and guide to the rules...



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