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is there a way to repair this damage ?


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Hi guys so one of my workers took a hammer to the top of a Dixie Narco 501E. The machine cools GREAT, does everything perfectly.

I don't know why he beat it with a hammer.  He said it 'froze' but I believe he took or smoked something that day. Anyway....

Is this fixable or is it forever fugly ? I tried searching for "door trim pieces" but could not find anything at all.

thank you


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It looks like it was rocked and pulled over and fell on its face onto the floor.  The fingerprints prove it.  No way to fix it without stripping the door of all parts and taking it off the machine to be straightened like a body on a car.  You fired the idiot didn't you?  If not then you are the idiot for employing someone that would do that.  Imagine what he is stealing from you.

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