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MAG50B bill validater not reading bills correctly


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I’m a 1 month newbie to vending and currently have a MAG50B validater in an AP430 snack machine. It accepts $1 bills with no problems, but when I put in a $5 bill it credits only $3. With a $10 bill it only credits $5. Good for me, but not my customers😳. I’ve tried researching the issue, but cannot find an answer. 
Dip switches are set to accept $1, 5 & 10’s and the unit has been tuned for 2008 currency. Any suggestions?

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 If someone purchases a $2 item with a $10 bill, your coin mech will have to dump 36 quarters in change.  Are you paying out dollar coins or is there a recycler in the machine?  What is the plan for paying change on those larger bills if you can get the NV430 to accept them?

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cvending: To your point shouldn’t the validator still show the right credit if it’s reading the bill correctly. Maybe I’m not understanding how everything interacts. 
It gives the correct change based on the credit it sees. Just thought there might be a fix to get it to recognize a $5 correctly. I haven’t tried cleaning or anything yet. 

Edited by Dvending
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It's not a National 430, it's a dinosaur AP430 snack. It would have an aftermarket kit in it to take bills and it will never take 5's correctly without emptying your coin mech of change. See, I told you it would be problematic.

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So, just to update those who may be interested, the problem seems to have been with the pulse setting on the bill validator. I switched the dip switch from the 150ms pulse to the 50ms pulse. It now reads $5 bill correctly. 
Thanks to Vendo Mike and NY Candyman for the pulse suggestion. May not have been the right machine, but it got me thinking about the dip switch functions on the MAG50B. 

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Yeah. Figured. Not sure the board supports dollar coin change return or how I make that work. It’s an MEI coin actuator, but I’m not sure which model. Fortunately most of the guys in my shop use coins and $1 bills. Right now they are unaware that it takes $5. 

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