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Todd Parker Or Secure Placement

Russell A Wilson

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Has anyone work with Todd Parker and Secure Placement. Just asking because they ripped me off. Let me start over. I order 150 vendstar 6000 from vendstar They told me I would save if money if I use one of their locators “Secure Placement” and todd parker So I did. I would like to say I did get a great deal on my VS (because they were going out of biz I’m sure) but the locator wow that’s all i can say. I had a bad feeling about this from the start but I thought I would give it a try. Now after reading for days on TVF I now know were I went wrong. I set up for Secure Placement to place 150 VS. The locator they sent my was name eddie ( I don’t think it’s eddiebauervending) I paid him everyday for the VS he place that day. Well Eddie place my VS very fast I couldn’t believe how fast he was placing them 20 to 30 a day yes a day. So in like 5 days he was done. The 1st time I went out to service my VS I got $1,200 I thoughts thats not what VS told me I would make. I was told I would make $100,000 a year. I didn’t believe I would make 1k a year but I thought 50k would be ok I would even take 30k. But this is were I couldn’t believe the mess I got myself into. Starting from the 1st time I service my VS I started get VS back I was told the guy said just put them in for a month and tell the guy that comes to service you no longer want them. Some people even said he told them that I was the MS Society ( that who I use ). To make a long story short, I got 85 VS in my garage. I do have 30 spots that all doing about $25-$30 per month the rest are doing about $5- $20. To make things worst both VS and Secure Placement went out of biz at the same time. They say they were not one company but they go under at the same time. Now a “new” company name vend3 is selling VS but they want me to pay them $200 so I can buy parts. I will be using TVF to get parts. But if anyone know Todd parker or Secure Placement I would like to talk to him. So I will ask all should I sell and start over or keep what I got and fine someone to place them. (if so who?) or try and place them myself.


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if you have the time you should place the machines yourself.you will get a lot of no`s and only a few yes,ecspecially at first.once you have a bit more experiance at locating you may get more yeses.you should practice maybe with a family member and have them ask you questions,like they would while trying to get locations.get a charity of your choice and by donating to the charity you wont have to pay commission and will help get you in some locations.others will prefer a commission.you will save a lot of money if you find locations on your own,it seems you have spent enough for now on vending anyways.

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So I will ask all should I sell and start over or keep what I got and fine someone to place them. (if so who?) or try and place them myself.

You've already made your investment in the machines. The best thing you can do is to use them now that you have them. You will either have to pay another locator to find spots for your machines, or you will have to go out and find them yourself.

You can try the brute force method and just go hit every location in your desired area. Ask for the decision maker and make the pitch. You will either get a yes or a no.

I have heard from others here in the forums that networking is a very lucrative way to find locations. Talk to all your family, your friends, co-workers, friends of friends, etc. Ask them if they know of any business that would receptive to having a machine in there. When you stop in to any shop to do business, always be thinking about locating. Carry a machine with product in your car so that you can place a machine on a whim. Go out at lunch and canvas the area.

I carry a picture of my machines (I do mainly toy racks, so I can't carry them around like a vendstar) in my car and if I ever drive by a location that looks interesting, I'll stop in and show them my picture and say "Who can I talk to about renting some space for a vending machine like this one?".

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yes, it's BS. It might be possible for a small handful to do that well, but certainly not the majority. Assuming your collections are after 1 month, or 30 days, the numbers you quoted for your own existing route seem to be the norm.

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Bills? Are you talking about paying for a loan for the Vendstars, or just regular living expenses?

Anyway you did get hit by their BizOp scam. Pie in the sky promises, and then hooking people up with worthless locators. They already have your money for the machines, they don't care anymore about you at that point. They just move on to the next sucker. This is the biggest reason everyone here is so hard on Vendstars.

This is where you accept this as a life lesson, and make the best of it. No matter how big of a mistake you have made, somebody else has made a bigger one.

As long as you have a bunch of machines at home, I would try not to pull any machines located yet. Learn to locate, and find locations for those machines. Once your number of machines at home gets to a smaller level, keep locating, but start pulling out your worst machines, and moving them. Then always focus on moving your worst 10%. (At least.) Also keep a few machines just for parts.

Also you were probably told to keep your machines full. Don't do that. You do not want the product to get stale and have to toss out a whole bunch of candy. This will cut into your profits.

Now beyond that, if your bills are still too high, you may need to get another job or two to make ends meet. At least until you can get your bills under control.

A lot of people here believe in the philosophy of Dave Ramsey. He has a radio show, and books out. I usually catch his show when I am running my routes. But he puts his show online for free at his website, with commercials, and puts something like an hour of his show on iTunes every day. Check it out, it will change how you think about money.

Dave Ramsey

You can listen to his show, and borrow his books from the library, so you don't need to spend any money on this.

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Wow I guess I do have SUCKER on my forehead. I just can't believe I fell for that BS. Yes my bill are just life bills. I paid cash for the VS from the money I got from my car reck. I thought this would help me out cause I can't go back to work full-time cause of my MS and the reck. But all I did was F myself. I feel like such a loser right now. The only good thing I can say is I only paid like $115 per VS most people I talk to paid $200-$300 for new VS.

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Don't get too down on yourself. Many, many, many others have made this same mistake. As Mage said, use this as a lesson. What's done is done. You can't change what happened but it is now up to you how you will proceed. Now that you've found TVF, let the members here give you advice on how to turn this around.

There are others here who were taken by biz-ops and were able to turn it around. You can too.

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Wow I guess I do have SUCKER on my forehead. I just can't believe I fell for that BS. Yes my bill are just life bills. I paid cash for the VS from the money I got from my car reck. I thought this would help me out cause I can't go back to work full-time cause of my MS and the reck. But all I did was F myself. I feel like such a loser right now. The only good thing I can say is I only paid like $115 per VS most people I talk to paid $200-$300 for new VS.


As others have said dont be to hard on yourself, I admire anyone that has the courage to admit when they have messed up. Vendiscuss will be your saving grace for your vending business, and you will be the saving grace for the next possible biz-op victim, you can help save them from the same mistakes you made, just by sharing your experiences on the forum.

good luck to you and if I can ever be of any help just ask.

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You weren't foolish with your investment.

You got scammed...and it happens to the best of us.

Don't feel like loser.

NEARLY EVERY VENDOR starts off in this biz on the wrong foot.

Those who do not start off by over-paying for equipment or locations usually owe their good fortune to one or both of the following:

  1. They had a friend or family member already in the business who was able to help them with their start-up.
  2. They found this forum before spending too much on their vending dream.

I was a fortunate soul who fell into category #2.

But for this forum, I may have made a similar deal as you have on your vending start-up.

I am NOT a loser. I was lucky.

You are NOT a loser. You were unlucky.

-Read this forum through and through.

-Ask questions.

-Follow Vendiscuss Forum Members' advice

-Work hard to make your own luck from today forward.

Do these four things and one day you will be stronger because of this Vendstar BS.

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wow are you saying $1,200 month. I need to at least be at 3K per month or i can't pay my bills. what should i do?

If you do not have a full time job; locate these yourself. You will spend a fortune getting them placed with a locator with mediocre results IMO. Learn to sell yourself and your business, it takes time but well worth it and is a life time asset for you. Ask questions here, and best wishes. You are NOT a loser, you have some work to do so start today.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow I guess I do have SUCKER on my forehead. I just can't believe I fell for that BS. Yes my bill are just life bills. I paid cash for the VS from the money I got from my car reck. I thought this would help me out cause I can't go back to work full-time cause of my MS and the reck. But all I did was F myself. I feel like such a loser right now. The only good thing I can say is I only paid like $115 per VS most people I talk to paid $200-$300 for new VS.


No question you are in a bit of a pickle right now. As others have said, the money is gone and won't be coming back. What happens now to you is up to you. Are you going to adopt a victim mentality and give up or are you going to make the decision to learn from the mistake and find the motivation to overcome the mistake? Its totally up to you.

I don't do bulk vending but there are a lot of guys around that do and are more than willing to help you learn how to make a successful bulk vending business if that's your decision.

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