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What Is Wrong With 2"


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This question has been nagging me for a while now. I have heard several of you say you are moving away from 2" machines and product. May I ask why? Please explain the reasoning behind this business plan. I use quite a few 2" oaks and the old toy n joys I own take 2 ".

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I've been thankful for this since my 2" toys are some of my top sellers. The Marvel Buildables easily does $40 a day in a single machine. I've been picking some machine up cheap.

It's not the machines. It's the locations.

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It's not the machines. It's the locations.

I think that is key. A lot of the lonely machines I see around here neglect to understand their customers very well. Different locations have different varieties of traffic with different desires. Recently I did two shows, back-to-back weekends. I took the very same machines to both. One 2" machine filled with Marvel Buildables, one filled with a mix of fast food erasers & toys plus I brought 3 1" machines with Sqwishland, numbskullz, and Domo.

First weekend the both 2" machines and Numbskullz machines had crowds around them. I had to put more Marvel in so it didn't look so sad. Second weekend Domo was non-stop, had to refill the machine actually halfway through the day. The 2" did some, but the others hardly were touched. Same machines, same product but different locations with different sorts of crowds. Sometimes it's a crap shoot at what is popular.

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I've been thankful for this since my 2" toys are some of my top sellers. The Marvel Buildables easily does $40 a day in a single machine. I've been picking some machine up cheap.

Let me make sure i am reading this right. You have a single head on a rack doing 40 a day so that makes it 1240 a month. I have had racks hit 1400 or even 1500 a month but im talking 10 or 12 heads and a 4 col flat machine and a sriral gum ball.

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Let me make sure i am reading this right. You have a single head on a rack doing 40 a day so that makes it 1240 a month. I have had racks hit 1400 or even 1500 a month but im talking 10 or 12 heads and a 4 col flat machine and a sriral gum ball.

If I could keep it there longer than a day then yes, but these are single day conventions. If I could do one every single day then I'd be doing pretty well indeed. Also keep in mind that so far not every machine has done that, out of 5 I'm doing that good with 2. The worst machine has made only $2 for the day.

Also factor in that for conventions I'm considered (so far) a dealer and have to pay for my spot like anyone else. But it's fine since my machines are only half of what I have for sale, so I come out ahead. I'm trying to expand to real locations but for now these shows are temporary homes for my gypsy machines.

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Yes, I was thinking that 2" were not supporting their weight with respect to 1" when they were used together at a location. I've sold off many of my 2" megatoy machines so I only have 2 2" machines in play these days. One location sold out of 2" on my last cycle. It is 1 of 9 heads at this location and was the only one to sell out completely. But it had water filled yo yo balls for 50c so there's no wonder that happened. The other location is not the best location and it is in a rack with 2 1in items. It did the worst of the 3 with playful pets at 50c, compared to some 1in sticky mix and silver necklaces.

That being said, I have recently purchased some 2" machines and have begun adding them to my routes on a limited basis. I believe that the product is what's relevant. Some stuff just flies out of the machine, like any sort of sticky mix or the yo yo balls, or jelly flingers, while other stuff just sits like the mini-malz or other figurines.

I'm thinking of limiting myself to the licensed stuff in the future.

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conventions aside can anyone besides Antonio share the reason? Dperry were you not one that was taking on this model?

Why wouldn't the convention be a good test group? The difference is the traffic, 5k-200k eyes vs. the hundreds at a normal spot. Personally I think dperry's point is the same, it's what is in the machines and the types of people that go by the machines that is really important. For each time I setup I always judge the crowd I'm setting up for, make a judgment call about what product that I have (can get) would be popular with that crowd, and then put in machines appropriate for the product. I pick the machine type last. Just my .02. I haven't been vending long but my system has done very well for publishing retail for the last 7 years. Long winded...but I'd agree with dperry, that's all I'm saying.

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Two inch vending has been the most challenging and frustrating for me. At one point I was ready to give up on it and sell the machines. In some ways I felt it was acting like a rebellious teenager compared to all the other types of vending. Even my two inch mystery mix was a dud. So I had no way to get rid of the slow moving stuff either.

But I decided to check out what the big boys were doing in my area before doing anything too hasty. So I visited K Mart, Wal-Mart and grocery stores to see what was moving. In most cases it was the “simple stuff” like sticky hands and hillbilly teeth that were moving here. I also downgraded most location to just a single two inch offering and focused on these simple, but staple consistent products. I am much happier with the results and have one two-inch product on most racks now. I have also had some luck with licensed sports products in sport themed places and rotate those as the seasons change. Since I am more of a small rack vendor and not a mega-rack vendor, I only have multiple two inch products in a few high traffic locations. Plus most of those extra two-inch heads removed from the rack were eventually replaced with sticker machines with nice results as well.

In short, I do like two inch vending much better now and I am glad I did not sell off my machines. Just focus on a few staple products, don’t over do it with too many heads and try to sell them at 75 cents. If the mechs are 50 cent, you will want to upgrade most of them to 75 cents. I “get away” will selling a 12 cent sticky hand for 75 cents at many places for a very nice margin. Of course your mileage may vary, but that approach has worked out for me. The “fight” was worth it and the rebellious teenager has been tamed - for now!

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The only advantage I see is keeping cost down and utilizing some of that money saved on more 1" selections to keep new stuff rotating in. I did a service call yesterday on a jammed coin mech (a little info gained for a different thread)and noticed a 2" machine vending a mix of bracelets from Rhode Island Novelty at a 1.00 each had been emptied 3/4 of the way in just one week, also look like bling teeth did $12-15 in a week. Also the 1" mini malz are doing good at .50 too.

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Antonio you were right.

Seems like the jury is still out on 2".

Dperry I still have all the 2" machines like your mega toys.

I had bought some racks and mini racks with 2" oaks on them. I love jumbo sticky hands and funky monkeys right now both sell well. I cap monkeys in 1" and 2". I have also capped self vend fun time mix in 2" caps does well also at 50 cents

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2 inch machines are a big part of vending, for full time people anyway, I could not imagine only having 1 inch machines out there, I would be missing a huge piece of the pie. Im sure some will disagree but if you have very few 2 inch machines out on location, a good general mix is your best bet, use the iced display from cardinal that has the nice watch, and add a small label saying "and other quality toys" to the display, then either buy the iced capsules that comes with 2 watches and then mix it in with a cheaper mix or buy the watches individually already capped. if you keep your each capsule cost at 14 cent or lower you still make a profit, obviously you want to buy the least expensive stuff you can but if your not buying by the pallet your not gonna get the best pricing. I would also only put 1 watch in the machine, I have put 2 and the sales arent any different.

Im basing this approach on that the machine contents will not be gender specific or it being limited to only 1 choice.

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2 inch machines are a big part of vending, for full time people anyway, I could not imagine only having 1 inch machines out there, I would be missing a huge piece of the pie. Im sure some will disagree but if you have very few 2 inch machines out on location, a good general mix is your best bet, use the iced display from cardinal that has the nice watch, and add a small label saying "and other quality toys" to the display, then either buy the iced capsules that comes with 2 watches and then mix it in with a cheaper mix or buy the watches individually already capped. if you keep your each capsule cost at 14 cent or lower you still make a profit, obviously you want to buy the least expensive stuff you can but if your not buying by the pallet your not gonna get the best pricing. I would also only put 1 watch in the machine, I have put 2 and the sales arent any different.

Im basing this approach on that the machine contents will not be gender specific or it being limited to only 1 choice.

Andy, that is at .50 correct?

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I have to order more 2" caps just used the last I had tonight. Might as well get some bulk toys while I am at it. Wish I could get a box of mixed color tops from A&A to give a bit more color in the machines.

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I have to order more 2" caps just used the last I had tonight. Might as well get some bulk toys while I am at it. Wish I could get a box of mixed color tops from A&A to give a bit more color in the machines.

Why can't you get those tops? They have the flipping tops and the spinning tops. They add lots of color.

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Darryl:Do you add the turbo tops to your mix? Sorry I meant Capsule tops. They come like Antonio says all one color I would like mixed colors. Kind of like a flashy fishing lure to attract those little ones with big eyes that know how to get quarters from Mom and Dad.

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top part of the capsule comes in box all the same color.

Ok, I guess I'm thinking of something else. I'm thinking of these tops that I get from A&A and they come in bulk; not in caps. I add them to my 1" self-vend mix.

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2" is a huge part of my business..usually only 2-3 HOT items at a time that move..right now Spike It, Yo-Yo Balls, Iced Jewlrey, and Giant Jungle are the hot items..Buy 1-2 cases to try before going all in..Also, dont buy 1" and 2" of the same item..Sounds like you guys are not in the right venues..Open your minds and chase the places that kids go..Kids have the disposable income to spend and the video game business is DEAD..

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Personally, I love 2" vending. It is a challenge sometimes when you have large locations and need multiple products. I always stick with the staples such as Sticky Mix, Dentures, and Mustaches. I make my own 2" Toy Mix and will add a few premium items to it (such as 1.00 vend items, like South Park cups/Balls, Marvel) to create interest.

I just started using Tomy Gacha machines in August and now have three and the results from the first one have been solid and the other two were just installed in the last two weeks but are showing very promising results.

However, even with success you must still watch to rotate out certain 2" items and introduce new ones. Sooner or later, sales will lag and have to try out some new items. I just add the laggards to the 2" toy mix and bring in the new item. A similar process has to be done with flat vend items.

The bottom line is there is more work involved and the cost of goods are higher by amount, but the profits are much greater and are needed to properly service high-end accounts.

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I have to agree with Andy. I would not know what I would do without 2" machines in almost every account that I have. 75c items are a great price-point along with 1" caps at 25c. One thing that I have found successful is, don't fill machines to the top with 2" product until you test how the item sells. If it moves fast than fill it up. 2" just like 1" caps should be rotated out every month, especially in accounts that see the same customers every day or week.

Kids generally come in to a store and the first thing they do is check to see if there is anything new in the machines. If you have a good seller keep it around longer, but if it is not moving, get it out and change it to something different.

Licensed stuff sells okay but due to the higher unit cost, will almost always cut in to your profit. The best items are those that cost $35 per 250 and you can get 75c per vend. Items like this have to have a higher perceived value in order to sell at the higher price-point. Spending some extra time on suppliers websites will pay off when it comes to selling good, profitable 2" products.


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