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The COOLEST vending website in the USA

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I like the site, and I think its awesome that you did all of the work on your own. I have only two things in the form of constructive critisism. This is just my opinion, and as I am not a professional web designer, should be taken at just that.

The top and left of the pages are locked in place and do not scroll which limits the amount of visible area.

The site has a lot of redundant material, and this may have been done intentionally, but I would suggest changing up some of the wording below:

More detailed information about and examples of our cold drink machines in the "COLD DRINK MACHINES" link.

More details about our snack machines in the "SNACK MACHINES" link.

Our frozen food machines in the "FROZEN food MACHINE" link.

The type of coffee machines we have available in the "COFFEE MACHINE" link.

How combination machines are available for smaller accounts or space-challenged accounts in the "COMBINATION MACHINE" link.

Again, this is just my opinion, and obviously this has been a labor of love for you, so please don't think I am bashing it in any way. I like the site, and I wish I had half of the know how to create something like this on my own.

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First let me clarify, I did not do this webpage. One of my best friends asked to design a website for me a while back and I thought it was a good idea. Well he had to take the classes (beginner and advanced webdesign) first. Even after that he struggled a bit because he tried to do things that were not covered in the class. We had many meetings and discussions about what to and what not to put on the website and even picked up a couple of other books on website design from a marketing perspective as we worked our way through the minefield.

I like the site, and I think its awesome that you did all of the work on your own. I have only two things in the form of constructive critisism. This is just my opinion, and as I am not a professional web designer, should be taken at just that.

The top and left of the pages are locked in place and do not scroll which limits the amount of visible area.

The site has a lot of redundant material, and this may have been done intentionally, but I would suggest changing up some of the wording below:

More detailed information about and examples of our cold drink machines in the "COLD DRINK MACHINES" link.

More details about our snack machines in the "SNACK MACHINES" link.

Our frozen food machines in the "FROZEN food MACHINE" link.

The type of coffee machines we have available in the "COFFEE MACHINE" link.

How combination machines are available for smaller accounts or space-challenged accounts in the "COMBINATION MACHINE" link.

Again, this is just my opinion, and obviously this has been a labor of love for you, so please don't think I am bashing it in any way. I like the site, and I wish I had half of the know how to create something like this on my own.

I really do appreciate the feedback. We all come from different levels of knowledge and experience and try to help each other out here. For my part, any criticism is taken as that, constructive criticism which is precisely what I was asking for.

The repetition is intentional, however, it might be a little over done and we will need to look at it a little more. Same with the suggestions for the wording, any suggestions for the wordings?

The locking of the header and left hand side also is intentional, to create a uniform look throughout the site, but it might be worth looking at reducing its "footprint" so to speak.


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I think the redundancy of the topic header on the left side reading sideways takes away from what would appear to be a great layout. I would love to see what it would look like without that frame.

I love the content though!!!!

Here is a link to web design that I found interesting http://www.openforum.com/idea-hub/topics/technology/video/your-online-business-website-design

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Hey guys, just got done uploading some changes based on your feedback. We eliminated the stuff on the left side and opened more real estate for the page.

Also, if anyone is interested we've got about a dozen classic TV commercials from the 50's - 80's featuring some of the snacks and drinks we sell in the "fun stuff" section with more to come.

Again, any comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

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Hey guys, just got done uploading some changes based on your feedback. We eliminated the stuff on the left side and opened more real estate for the page.

Also, if anyone is interested we've got about a dozen classic TV commercials from the 50's - 80's featuring some of the snacks and drinks we sell in the "fun stuff" section with more to come.

Again, any comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

This is jmo. Its too crowded or has too much info going on or something it feels busy to me. Now its probably just me because I like things simple and clean and this doesnt feel that way to me. I personally do not feel that a potenial customer would want to take the time to navigate thru the whole site

I setup my website myself thru intuit so turnabout is fair play

Heres mine www.breakroomvendors.com

But I do congratuate you on taking the step.

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I think it looks much better this way. But since you asked......I like your home page and think you should carry that layout through your complete site. Put your left side nav bar in the gray(?) area and your content in the black area. Use the same design as you home page and use the existing home page top links. To me, it just looks like something gets lost when I navigate through the pages.

Don't forget to rename your pages at some point. It will help with searching and linking. mission II-framepg-FUN isn't what you want as a page name.

And I LOVE that banned Pepsi commercial!!!!!

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Mission, Its funny.....

Seeing your picture is like listening to someone on the radio for years before ever seeing their picture. Your mind develops an image of that person and when you finally see a picture it doesn't seem to fit.

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IMO the middle section looks pretty "busy" because of the MM background and different color changes between pages. I like to see websites with like colors on each page. Keep in mind this is just me and I am not saying it is wrong or right. That is why they make chocolate and vanilla for different taste. I applaude you for working on this with your friend to make it happen. Websites are not "easy" to accomplish by yourself with little knowledge. I use a company called Homestead Site Builders that offers easy user friendly software and templates. I think every vending company needs a website to let people view in detail what you offer as a company.

Good Job!!!

Here are a few websites I did you might get some ideas from.




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Mission, Its funny.....

Seeing your picture is like listening to someone on the radio for years before ever seeing their picture. Your mind develops an image of that person and when you finally see a picture it doesn't seem to fit.

I'm not sure if this is a compliment or a slam. :lol: LOL. I know exactly what you mean. So when do we get to see your picture? ;D

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Mission, Its funny.....

Seeing your picture is like listening to someone on the radio for years before ever seeing their picture. Your mind develops an image of that person and when you finally see a picture it doesn't seem to fit.

I hear ya Coinvestor! I listened to this one DJ for years and years. Ehhh 6ft 4in or so, big teddy bear type guy with a deep but pleasant voice and maybe in his mid to late 40's possibly. I'm sitting in Mickey D's one afternoon waiting for my wife to get off and I hear a voice sooooooooooooo similar to "Gary Lee" I tell my wife about it, and she says "Oh yeah, he comes in everyday after work, his name is Gary something." Coming to find out, It was the famous Gary Lee from 104.7 WITZ! He is 5' 3" or so, (shorter than me and I am 5' 6") probably around 140lbs. bald on top and 66yrs old!

Now, onto Mission! lol By the sound of his voice I pictured him with light brown hair with a medium cut, late 20's to early 30's around 6'3 or so and skinny as a rail and a go tee.

Sorry mission! :-[ Hope I can still call you anytime for tech support and to get your opinion on things!

Maybe we need to start a "What do you think I look like" thread.....

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MINE ;D ;D ;D ;D

OK, well maybe not the coolest but second only to TVF. :-*

Its been months in the making, still have some work to do on it, but I thought its high time to roll it out and ask for everyone's comments and feedback.


Wow Mission, what a nice site. I checked each page, enjoyed each one. Its too bad that truck doesn't have some pull up sides so you could show lots of soft drinks stacked in there...also that truck would make a nice big billboard for your company logo. Now that you have this impressive website you can have it lettered right on that truck. I know it would be noticed.

On your favorite links page you might want to reconsider giving too much information out to your competitors. One of the most frequent calls I get from vendors is where do you buy this or that...


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I think what Poplady stated is a good idea but I was wondering if something like placing your vending logo/name on the truck would make it a target for theft? I guess it depends on the area but I know here in houston alot of independent vendors leave their vans unmarked and plain white due to this but the larger vendors all have their vehicles marked.

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Wow Mission, what a nice site. I checked each page, enjoyed each one. Its too bad that truck doesn't have some pull up sides so you could show lots of soft drinks stacked in there...also that truck would make a nice big billboard for your company logo. Now that you have this impressive website you can have it lettered right on that truck. I know it would be noticed.

On your favorite links page you might want to reconsider giving too much information out to your competitors. One of the most frequent calls I get from vendors is where do you buy this or that...


First let me say that's it good to see you post Bev. Hope things are going well for you. I am planning to do exactly that (logo and billboard graphics) though I will wait until the fall. Trying to get things set and organized to make a big growth leap late this year and early next year.

As for the the links, knowing my competition I honestly don't feel that most would even consider taking the extra effort to get these products but it is something to consider. Thanks for the comments.


I had the same thoughts for years and I've come to the realization that if someone happens to see me in the back of the truck or going into a building it won't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I have cash and am a target for robbery so what dif does having a logo on the vehicle or not make? Its all about paying attention to your surroundings and taking reasonable precautions( I do have a CHL and carry in the vehicle). In all the years that I've been doing this I've only had a few instances, had a drunk homeless guy pull a knife on me in downtown San Antonio(nothing happened), had a kid try to break into my truck while I was inside a location (nothing happened) and had a truck stolen from in front of a warehouse where I left it overnight because I was too lazy to open up and pull it inside(truck was recovered minus contents), finally, had another truck burglarized while I was installing machines at a location that my helper left unlocked(got me for about $1,500.00 in cash). So all in all, IMO, there is more to be gained by advertising with my vehicle than there is by not. I've probably lost more $$ in damaged and vandalized equipment over the years than I have lost out of the vehicles.

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Now, onto Mission! lol By the sound of his voice I pictured him with light brown hair with a medium cut, late 20's to early 30's around 6'3 or so and skinny as a rail and a go tee.

Sorry mission! :-[ Hope I can still call you anytime for tech support and to get your opinion on things!

I had no problem with your vision of me until you got to the goatee :huh: I'd love to be 6'3, in my 20's and skinny as a rail LOL. You can still call but because of the goatee comment I'm going to have to start charging you a consulting fee. :P

Seriously though, anytime you feel that I can be of any help go ahead and call.

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I think it looks much better this way. But since you asked......I like your home page and think you should carry that layout through your complete site. Put your left side nav bar in the gray(?) area and your content in the black area. Use the same design as you home page and use the existing home page top links. To me, it just looks like something gets lost when I navigate through the pages.

Don't forget to rename your pages at some point. It will help with searching and linking. mission II-framepg-FUN isn't what you want as a page name.

And I LOVE that banned Pepsi commercial!!!!!

Thanks for the comment Bill, I see what you are saying about grey black color switch, with the black truck, reversing the colors doesn't look quite right either so we are going have to try a different solution.

I have another very sexist commercial from the 60's that I found that I'm afraid to post, its that bad. I can't believe that it was actually shown on TV, but I guess different eras different standards.

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