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Issues with the forum


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Since the upgrade a couple weeks ago, I've fielded numerous questions and "bug" reports from members who have issues with the forum. My first question was always, "What browser are you using?"

PLEASE DO NOT underestimate what your browser can do. They are NOT created equal and each one WILL render this, and every other website, differently on your computer. All of the issues reported to me were rectified by using a web compliant browser. I know this horse is dead and I know I continue to beat it but as the admin/creator of this site, I only want everyone here to experience it the way it was intended. I want everyone to be able to use every feature available. As far as I'm concerned, there are no bugs or issues with this forum. I have not been able to replicate any of the reported issues when using Firefox.

So, if you are experiencing any issues, whether it's something cosmetic or some feature simply does not work or respond the way it should, please try visiting with Firefox or Chrome. They are free and easy to install and if you don't see a difference, you can just as easily get rid of them.

So, What browser are you using?

PS, I just checked the February numbers and I am happy to say that Firefox is once again in the number one spot! Thank you.

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ok - Ok - OK!

I am big enough to admit when I'm wrong. Mrs C has Windows 7 on her laptop which allows me to experience IE9. My laptop has XP and as such, I can not use IE9.

It appears that IE9 is compliant and renders this site with no major issues. At least none that I can see yet. There, I said it. Enjoy your IE9. :mellow:

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Still looks like suck on IE9 and Vista

Yea it may be a Vista thing. I was really surprised that it looked decent with IE9 on Windows 7.

I still prefer FF.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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ok - Ok - OK!

I am big enough to admit when I'm wrong. Mrs C has Windows 7 on her laptop which allows me to experience IE9. My laptop has XP and as such, I can not use IE9.

It appears that IE9 is compliant and renders this site with no major issues. At least none that I can see yet. There, I said it. Enjoy your IE9. :mellow:

Neiner, Neiner. IE9 is not the devil. :P

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Chrome FTW! I like firefox more but my comp has some issues with Firefox so I cant use it.

Like constant memory leaks that lead firefox to using like 25% of your resources requiring you to reload firefox?

Neiner, Neiner. IE9 is not the devil. :P

That's exactly what a devil would say.

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Like constant memory leaks that lead firefox to using like 25% of your resources requiring you to reload firefox?

That's exactly what a devil would say.

Ya caught me. Blast.

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Neiner, Neiner. IE9 is not the devil.

I wouldn't go that far. As a web designer, the whole family of IE versions have been nothing but thorns in my side. It's just that 9 seems to be the lesser evil. At least on Windows 7.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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Like constant memory leaks that lead firefox to using like 25% of your resources requiring you to reload firefox?

Na, firefox would completely crash every now and then. Switching to chrome was the easy solution.

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Na, firefox would completely crash every now and then. Switching to chrome was the easy solution.

The previous version of firefox was doing that to me on a regular occasion. A version upgrade solved THAT problem but my memory leak problem NEVER went away. Now, my antivirus keeps popping up notifying me that firefox keeps using over 250 MB of memory.

When I reformatted my laptop, I used MCE (cause I had a disk for it!) and upgraded to SP3. I denied the installation of IE9 (maybe a mistake.... probably would have been better to have IE9 and not use it than IE5 or 6 and not use it.). I quickly downloaded and installed chrome which is the only browser that I use on that laptop. It's freaking hard to learn how to use if you ask me! It's very nice though. I am a fan of google-related products. It's only a matter of time before they conquer the world and make me regret that though.

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The previous version of firefox was doing that to me on a regular occasion. A version upgrade solved THAT problem but my memory leak problem NEVER went away. Now, my antivirus keeps popping up notifying me that firefox keeps using over 250 MB of memory.

When I reformatted my laptop, I used MCE (cause I had a disk for it!) and upgraded to SP3. I denied the installation of IE9 (maybe a mistake.... probably would have been better to have IE9 and not use it than IE5 or 6 and not use it.). I quickly downloaded and installed chrome which is the only browser that I use on that laptop. It's freaking hard to learn how to use if you ask me! It's very nice though. I am a fan of google-related products. It's only a matter of time before they conquer the world and make me regret that though.

I might be switching back to firefox now to show google that I don't approve of the direction they are going. Go read their new terms of use if you have not yet.

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Here is their FAQ on the matter. http://www.google.co...cy/preview/faq/

More or less from what I can get from it is they are going to give users data to the government on request.

I guess if the government can't legally pass legislation to regulate the internet, they'll just bully all of the largest search engines and social networks into giving them the information they want without making them legally allowed to do so.

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This isnt an issue steve, just a question. on the last format of the forum when I would open a new topic it would automatically go to the first unread post, now it always starts at the beginning and I have to click go to first unread post. I have looked on my profile to change this but do not see how. Is there a way to always go to first unread post?

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This isnt an issue steve, just a question. on the last format of the forum when I would open a new topic it would automatically go to the first unread post, now it always starts at the beginning and I have to click go to first unread post. I have looked on my profile to change this but do not see how. Is there a way to always go to first unread post?

Great question and I'm glad you asked! The behaviour depends on what you click. Here is an explanation...

  • If you click on the title of the thread, it will take to to post #1.
  • If you click on the grey dot just to the left of the topic title, it will take you to the 1st unread post. This dot will change to "speech bubbles" if you have posted in that thread. (See pic)


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Somewhat off topic, but I have had an issue with Firefox freezing on me for about half a second here and there. Most noticeable when I am on YouTube, but happens when I am scrolling, or even typing. Almost seems to happen at regular intervals.

I have been using Firefox for a few years not, and am familiar with it, and am not sure why this has suddenly started occuring. Started a few months ago. Just tested YouTube with another browser, and no issues there, so it is only with Firefox. I have thought of switching to something else, but the Norton 360 that I use, and that holds all my passwords is only compatible with Firefox and IE. It also blocks phishing and virus websites.

I also have Opera, Safari, and Chrome on my system, for development purposes, but haven't used them very much.

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Somewhat off topic, but I have had an issue with Firefox freezing on me for about half a second here and there. Most noticeable when I am on YouTube, but happens when I am scrolling, or even typing. Almost seems to happen at regular intervals.

I have been using Firefox for a few years not, and am familiar with it, and am not sure why this has suddenly started occuring. Started a few months ago. Just tested YouTube with another browser, and no issues there, so it is only with Firefox. I have thought of switching to something else, but the Norton 360 that I use, and that holds all my passwords is only compatible with Firefox and IE. It also blocks phishing and virus websites.

I also have Opera, Safari, and Chrome on my system, for development purposes, but haven't used them very much.

Try turning off your Norton and see if that helps. If Norton is embedded as an addon in Firefox and not the other browsers it could be Norton.

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Try turning off your Norton and see if that helps. If Norton is embedded as an addon in Firefox and not the other browsers it could be Norton.

That would be my guess. Bells rang in my head as soon as I read Norton 360. I had once used that and couldn't wait until the subscription was up. It is a major resource hog and bogged my whole system down.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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Where is that dang IGNORE button!!

Can't find it on this new format...and my list of names of members I wish to ignore has been growing awfully quick lately. :ph34r:

Click on your name in the upper right corner then click "Manage Ignore Prefs". That will take you to your ignored member control panel. The new version now allows you to totally ignore others or choose specific elements of their activity to ignore.

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Well every time Firefox has a big update, it takes time for Norton 360 to update, so those times it isn't installed, and I have still had issues, at least most of the time. And I don't seem to have an issue with it on IE where it is also installed. Although those are probably written slightly differently.

There was an update to Firefox, and the issue seems to have gone away. (Not sure why it happened last night though.) I didn't initially like Norton, then I had issues with McAffee, so I switched to a free version, Avast, until I had issues with that one. I went back to Norton 360, and for the most part it has worked fine for me.

I am fairly certain all these programs each go through their good times and bad times. I have had issues with the toolbar in the past, but those issues have been resolved. And I have to say my system has been running better then ever since I installed 360. But I will wait until I seem to have issues again, and disable it to test it again.

Now I do have other addons with FireFox. And currently my spellcheck is not working for some reason. (My crutch right now.)

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Spellcheck didn't work for me yesterday but is now working. Not sure whats up with that.

Notifications are set in your settings. Make sure nothing has changed.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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