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Laundry Matt Location.... give me your thoughts


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A 24 hour laundry mat is going to let me put machines in. No person there after 5pm. They are letting me put a rack in. I was thinking about putting in a 7 way racks with 3 toys on the top and 1" machines on the bottom.

I think it would take a lot for someone to steal this rack due to the weight of the rack (rack does not have wheels).

I was going to put NW 2" MACHINES on top and beaver machines on the bottom. 2" machines would have toys, on bottom i was going to do 2 candy, and the rest in 1" toys.

Give me some thoughts on this setup and location......???/

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Could be a good place..could be a bad place. My experience is unmanned places like these (after 5pm) usually get stolen or beat to hell.. I only have one laudry place left that is open 24 hours that the people leave at 6pm.. I have a double there and its been there for years but yet there are cameras ALL over this place and LOTS of signs posted saying there are cameras.... so this is a location that you will have to chance..

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I have a very strict rule about laundromats: No attendant = No machines

I do not put any type of machine in unattended laundromats.

Unattended locations are bad news for bulk equipment.

Could even be bad news for full-line, but I don't have experience on that side.

I'm not alone in this, either.

One vendor I'm friendly with had his rack stolen out of a laundromat with no attendant.

The rack had been bolted to the ground. They just tore the whole thing up to get at it.

Another friendly competitor of mine had the glass broken on his crane and plush stolen at a different unattended laundromat.

A laundromat attendant for only a part of the day may as well be unattended as far as I'm concerned: thieves will just wait until after the attendant is gone to strike.

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I would go with a 7 head no wings

possibly chain or anchor to some part of the structure or surrounding with chain-locks

even installing a eye bolt to a stud for the chain to go thru on the wall.

its more or less a deturrent. it wont prevent the determined or prepared people but if they even think they cant get the chain undone it keeps

honest people honest..

top vendor could be a 2 head sticker machine

A&A just got in bevis and butthead stickers

Also look to see if they have any other opportunites for you

Cranes, Redemption games, soda/snack

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Could be a great location. Be careful of unattended locations. I personally would not put a machine that could be carried out the door in this type of business. I have seen a cage around a rack of machines with an opening just large enough to turn the handle and get your toy or candy. Note: the cage is bolted to the floor and the front is locked.



I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?aylxfw

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Put a 4 column sticker/tattoo machine in first. These machines are built like strong boxes.

I thought the same way once.

Then, I had a 6-column machine walk-out of an unattended location.

I don't suppose a 4-way would present too much of a challenge.

They really are like strong boxes.

But, thieves probably do not care how long it takes to get into a machine once they have the thing at home and away from the public eye.

Strong boxes are broken into or stolen regularly, too (think gun safes).

A pry-bar to a couple of seams with some determination and they'll get in.

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Dang it!

I knew I shouldn't have bought those walking machines.

I was just being lazy...I didn't like having to hand-truck machines into my locations.


I googled walking vending machine to see what I could find... this made my day


LOLOL the look on those peoples faces is like WTF?

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I would a 4 column sticker and a metal triple-head with candy and gum in it. I would also chain the machines to a bench in the coin laundry. I would put older equipment in this type of location.

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I do unattended laundromats. I've had some vandalism, but the place turns a good profit even after that. Make sure it has high quality cameras and that the film is stored for at least several weeks at a time. Set up your machine so it is visible to the camera from multiple angles and attach it hard. I use some ultra heavy duty locks and 3/8 inch braided steel cables with a coating on top. I have an unattended rack, It's secured with two of those cables. Everything is visible on high res, so if someone screws with it we can go over the footage and see "did it happen yet" if not jump back half the distance towards the last time I serviced. Each time you jump the film half way, and it takes 15 minutes or so to go through over a month of footage. When you do have a problem, you call the cops and give them a copy of the high definition footage of the crime. Granted, the cops around here have been worthless. I mean no disrespect to cops, but I gave them a report on a large theft where the criminal had just used a credit card leaving all his personal information--and the owner had volunteered the video and credit receipts. All they had to do was file the papers and call visa. Not a peep.

It is a mixed bag, but I do the laundromats. If sales are bad it won't be worth it, but some of them are excellent. Try to work with the cops, if someone is stealing your machine they are a crackhead and should be locked up for the good of society. You're likely to turn a profit, and if you get them off the street they will stop destroying other things. Your machine is only one of the many targets for them.

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I do unattended laundromats. I've had some vandalism, but the place turns a good profit even after that. Make sure it has high quality cameras and that the film is stored for at least several weeks at a time. Set up your machine so it is visible to the camera from multiple angles and attach it hard. I use some ultra heavy duty locks and 3/8 inch braided steel cables with a coating on top. I have an unattended rack, It's secured with two of those cables. Everything is visible on high res, so if someone screws with it we can go over the footage and see "did it happen yet" if not jump back half the distance towards the last time I serviced. Each time you jump the film half way, and it takes 15 minutes or so to go through over a month of footage. When you do have a problem, you call the cops and give them a copy of the high definition footage of the crime. Granted, the cops around here have been worthless. I mean no disrespect to cops, but I gave them a report on a large theft where the criminal had just used a credit card leaving all his personal information--and the owner had volunteered the video and credit receipts. All they had to do was file the papers and call visa. Not a peep.

It is a mixed bag, but I do the laundromats. If sales are bad it won't be worth it, but some of them are excellent. Try to work with the cops, if someone is stealing your machine they are a crackhead and should be locked up for the good of society. You're likely to turn a profit, and if you get them off the street they will stop destroying other things. Your machine is only one of the many targets for them.

why does everyone say to use a cable , why not use heavy carrige bolts right into the floor

you will need power tools to remove no crackhead is going to bother with that. they could

just sell the tools for more money.

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I mentioned this thread to a veteran vendor in my area. He said that the best way to prevent theft like this is to get a longer rack (5 or more heads)- then disassemble it. Add a semicircle of tubing to the back so that the rack is too wide to fit out the door in any direction, short of taking it apart. Reassemble rack on location. Now, I don't know if this is good advice or bad, as I don't operate racks, nor operate in laundromats, so take this with caution. Just throwing it out there. Good luck bulkvendingwizard!

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i think i am going to use a 5 way rack and chain it down. This should be interesting. Def. not putting beavers in there. i have some old nw machines that have big case globes ill probably stick that in there and check on the machine once a week to see how much its doing.

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