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Vendo 5.1 board shorting out

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I have a couple boards for a Vendo 570.  Both boards are 5.1b and the second board was supposed to replace the first one.  I have learned that both are burnt at J1, which I believe is the power as the harness going in was red and white.

I believe the issue is with the offsets.  This particular machine has metal studs (I am going to use that term) for the control board in addition to standoffs.  Although the board was not touching the metal case for the control board, there is a clear burn mark on the metal case behind the board.  I'm not sure if the board shorted out there or if it shorted out for some other reason.  The board DID work fine until I accidentally disconnected the coin mech and reconnect the coin mech with the power on (twice).  I thought (stupidly) that the switch at the bottom of the cabinet in front of the refrigeration deck would kill the power to the electronics but I was wrong.

So now, I am not sure if I killed the board by plugging/unplugging the mech OR if the problem is with the board shorting out in the case despite being at least 1/4" from the metal.

I am actually going to send one board off for repair while i try to fix the second board myself as practice.  Can anyone give me insight on this?  I am trying to order a harness to make this MDB because I feel like the coin mech AND validator harnesses create too much of a cluster golpher in this machine.


You probably have broken plastic standoffs behind the board.  Those get very brittle over time and you should replace them when the board is replaced.


That's the board, lacanteen. I ordered the harness . It was hard to find.  I'm also getting new standoffs.


I had to google and search all over to find it.  Google "Vendo 5.1 mdb harness" and see what you find.  AZVendor might have some.  An important thing is to note which 5.1 board you have because apparently a 5.1 is different from a 5.1b and I think there is a 3rd version as well.  I don't know if all are compatible with the harness.  I had to visually compare my board with the one in the picture.

On 3/23/2017 at 6:39 AM, lacanteen said:

The part number of the harness in my picture is  1070945. It is 6 pins with 5 wires.

Thank you


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