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My sodas exploded everywhere

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I had a horrible time this morning after my account called that there was soda all over the floor in their break room. Nearly all of my canned sodas apparently froze and exploded everywhere.

What could cause this? I turned the thermostat from 4 to 1. There is also an "off" option but I wasn't sure if that would make the drinks warm.

Is it the thermostat? Anyone else ever have this happen?

I didn't know these soda machines can get this cold.

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Is there ice on the cooling deck? Setting 4 may be just a bit much, I keep mine at 3 max, if its frozen then cooling deck needs fixing, otherwise turn it down to 2, and don't listen to customers saying its not cold enough, 37 degrees is cold, 34 is frozen!

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That happens when your thermostat fails and does not turn off.  DO NOT reuse it or reset it thinking this won't happen again because it will.  Replace the thermostat!  Thermostats need to be set to 3 1/2 on all machines except for USIs that should be set to 11/2 to 2 and no higher.  Setting any other thermostat to more than 3 1/2 will potentially give you slushy soda which some people just love but is also on the edge of freezing and bursting your sodas.  

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Coming from experience, I have had thermostats randomly fail.  I cleaned it up and the machine cooled perfectly to temperature again, then failed again later.  As AZ said, if it froze once, it will freeze again.  When?  Who knows, but as you can tell, cleaning up a machine that froze everything inside like yours did is NO fun.  I have probably done it maybe 4-6 times and probably said a lot of expletives while cleaning it up.  Everything about it is a PITA, and just KNOWING that a relatively inexpensive part will fix it is annoying.  So yes, replace the thermostat and throw that one that failed away.

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Thank you everyone. The sodas were completely warm today... I guess I turned the old thermostat down too low. I turned it up to 1 and a half until it clicked. So hopefully they have cold sodas... but not too cold.

I picked up a new thermostat today. Hopefully not too hard to replace.

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