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Frozen food machine favorites

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I’m thinking about buying a frozen food machine to sell ice cream. Can anybody share their preferences for a used machine. One salesman told me Fasrcorp is the way to go but I thought I better check with you all. 

Thanks in advance 



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Someone correct me if I'm wrong as I have only messed with a few frozen machines in the past (and I have never owned any myself) but in the case of a meltdown, I think a fastcorp is much better to deal with.

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I have like 45 usi frozen machines and they are ok but i heard fastcorp is alot better. Id go with them, the new model can be had for under 6k if u buy a few

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I have 3 Dn 455 units. They sell lots of products because they are glass fronts. I had some issues with them but know them inside out now. Common issues are: temp sensors going out causing the compressor not to kick on, triac failures, and start components malfunction. If you have to replace the compressor they could be costly since you have to put in the original Tecumseh unit. I tried to put in Copeland compressors but they weren't strong enough and spent the $800 for the Tecumseh. Otherwise I sell lots and lots of ice cream 

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