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Lights Inside Machines


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Out of curiosoty Ive always heard lights burned out inside of drink and snack machines have decreased sales all around because peoples first impression is the machine is turned off BUT has anyone here actually experimented with this and noticed a drop in sales at a location where the lights burned out. if so what were your results or did you even notice the difference? 

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If you want your machines to look presentable and the most professional then don't be a cheapskate - replace your burned out bulbs.  Your competition uses things like that, sold out selections, ugly selection labels, handwritten prices, dirty machines, etc. to expose your weaknesses when trying to get your accounts.  If you're too lazy to do things professionally then you deserve to lose accounts to your competition.  As an operator I never allowed my lights to remain out and everything I mentioned above was done professionally, period.  I never "experimented" with any of this.

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We keep our bulbs going in our machines too but was just seeing if anyone here had gone without replacing them and noticed a decrease in their sales. 

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most of my machines have lights, and yes, they do burn out, eventually the machine is so used up that by the time I get to replace the bulb its time for a new machine, then again I haven't changed my machines in years, and what I try to do is keep the lights on the snacks mostly, and its true, I use USI machines, ppl will come up and look at the snacks and say "now all I need is a drink" but the drink machine lights are off, the machine works though, and I would let them know, I know its just me being lazy, so I tried to retrofit the USI machines to take LED lights, problem is, every time I put in a bulb, it burns out a few min later, someone before me even had a separate wire for lights. since then I have not tried again, I'm not cheap on the lights, I just don't see them as being needed in some locations that are open till 6pm and there's plenty of light outside, or its the only machine in the location, some machines I have fixed up and installed LED, but then they go off due to a setting I'm not aware of. the machines will always make cash, more cash bc of the lights, maybe, a few dollars here and there, its like having a cc reader, you'll get more sales, but at this point I'm not looking for a quick sale even though that's what I need, considering I run single man operation, I can only get to so many places in time. yes lights do affect the visual view of the machine, ppl will buy from a golpher and a new machine, when you're hungry, and there's no place to eat within 4 square blocks, believe me, you're gonna use my machine :P

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I can tell you this... A lot of people think machines are off or they aren't working right IF the lights are off on snack machines.  I don't care about soda machines too much but it's a big deal with snack machines.  Going back five years ago, I had just quit my job so I could go all-in with vending.  Buying anything was difficult for me because every dollar spent on vending was one less dollar I would have for a while, so I really had to be conservative.  I even had trouble affording fluorescent bulbs.  However, after replacing bulbs in a few machines, I noticed that one machine saw an immediate increase of maybe 50%. It was an exception but it was a big deal.

Today, I ONLY buy LED bulbs and I'm probably buying maybe one every 2 months or so as the fluorescent bulbs burn out.  They are pricey but work well and I eliminate flickering bulb related issues.  I'm also adding card readers at any location doing over 3k/year and any some slower locations that look like they'd see a significant increase, such as a single retail clothing store that I currently do.  Card readers might only add 10-20% to sales but they will eventually pay off even at slower locations.  Bulbs, on the other hand, can pay off in a matter of weeks if you ask me.

One important fact is that a lot of marketing research has been done by mega-rich companies and those studies all determined that consumers spend more money when they perceive an item to be of higher value... Meaning they will willingly pay the professional-looking company's higher prices for the SAME 20 oz Dr Pepper simply because their image adds value.  

I'm not just a vendor, I'm a business man.  I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel, I'm just trying to manage the business as best as I can.  And I can assure you and anyone else that you can get more accounts, better pricing, and better deals overall if you simply look more professional.  I have a nice van and I'm working on my image (looking into a uniform of sorts).  I'm trying to refurbish some equipment when I can and upgrade machines.  It's expensive but you can get your money back eventually and then some.. if you invest in your brand.  I just added 3 card readers today.. and I don't like to work weekends... but I know I can get it back eventually.

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