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What Would You Do with $10,000?


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If you received $10,000 to invest in your business, what would you do with it? Would you purchase new machines? What kind? Would you up your marketing? How? Buy new inventory? What?

How would you spend $10,000 in your business?

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I'd spend a large chunk of the $10k buying existing routes from other vendors.

But, I'd save enough of the $10k to: 1) upgrade any sub-par equipment those routes may have on location and 2) buy quality locks to have everything working off of 1 or 2 keys.

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women drink and cards and the rest I would just spent foolishly

Thank you for the good belly laugh I truly like an honest person. That was my story before meeting my wife. If I had not met her I would probably be dead.

What would I do with $10,000 invest it in my snack box business.

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women drink and cards and the rest I would just spent foolishly

i dont play cards but if i could have back the money i spent on dope

and beer in college i could probably retire

as my old roommate says....

"good times!"

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What would I do with $10,000 invest it in my snack box business.

Wow. That was profound. How would you invest it? What would you purchase?

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If you received $10,000 to invest in your business, what would you do with it? Would you purchase new machines? What kind? Would you up your marketing? How? Buy new inventory? What?

How would you spend $10,000 in your business?

I would invest on collectables.... something like Beanie Babies ;D

My most pressing need right now is another vending vehicle so that would be my choice.

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I'd buy out my local rivals, most of which are on their laurels or nearly retired, then upgrade the best accounts to new machines. Probably North westerns or Beaver machines all the way. I'd bank the rest, expanding the route as needed.

Oh, who am I kidding, I'd buy 10,000 cheeseburgers from McDonalds, and see how many I could eat in one sitting.

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Oh, who am I kidding, I'd buy 10,000 cheeseburgers from McDonalds, and see how many I could eat in one sitting.

You know, they freeze pretty well. Just sayin.

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Crazy as it sounds, having money, or easy credit, can sometimes be a negative for starting a business. All businesses run into isues, but one business has money, and finances out their problem, while another has to find a more creatinve solution. The former simply delays the problem, while the latter has created, or discovered a way to do business cheaper. While the former will keep eating away at cash, possibly until it is gone, the latter will have the lower cost solution that will carry him foreward with lower costs, and higer revenue.

Leanred this from one of the first business books I ever read, Growing a Business. A companion book to a 17 part PBS special that I had missed. I read this about 23 years ago, and this is one of the few things I remember from that book.

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You know, they freeze pretty well. Just sayin.

That brings back the memory of a bad day. Back when I was 16, my first job was at McDonalds. I had been there about 6 months and the franchisee had a Valentine's Day special, hamburgers .25 and cheeseburgers .35, no limit. People were lined up out the door literally buying 100 and 200 at a time to take home and freeze. It was also the day that I witnessed the worst workplace injury that I have seen in my working life.

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That brings back the memory of a bad day. Back when I was 16, my first job was at McDonalds. I had been there about 6 months and the franchisee had a Valentine's Day special, hamburgers .25 and cheeseburgers .35, no limit. People were lined up out the door literally buying 100 and 200 at a time to take home and freeze. It was also the day that I witnessed the worst workplace injury that I have seen in my working life.

My memory wasn't that far back. About 5 years ago, my husband and I were pretty poor, and we went to McDonalds to stock up on some of their dollar menu burgers. We would eat a couple and freeze the rest. Nasty stuff, really. Best left in the hands of others.

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