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I'll second AZVendors advice


Took me almost 2 minutes to download and skim read the manual to work it out (and I dont use any programming options in my machines and have no Royals at all)

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15 hours ago, TKK said:

The thing is my royal is a glassfront. I went through the options and it had timing option but it was more like set current day and time, then refridgerator or compressor timer and light timer. But none for the actual machine :( the manuals on the front sont show how to program the timmers. I ended up putting an actual digital timmer that turns off the machines from 730am to 130pm. Im hoping the product stays cold for those 6 hours? I tried to connect the xompressor but the plug isnt the normal type of plug that has the prongs.  The sales were crazy. Some stuff was sold out. $290 combined sales in one day. Cutting it down to after lunch from 130 to 7am my reposrts show they made $160 so thats still like 4k a month gross! 

Kids do have lots of extra money to use for snacks and drinks.  My student machine does well too.

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Figured it out wasnt that hard. Thats awesome you can program it that way. I set them.up from 230 to 715am every day.  Today they were off for 6 hours and they still did like 260. I recomended adding an extra machine so that we dont have to service daily. 


Darkinthepark do the teachers lounges do ok? They keep asking for a snack machine with reg items.


Im.gonna target many schools now. I just dont see why no one was doing vending in them.

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Teachers lounges are usually slow accounts but if you are already on campus you might as well throw a small machine in there, it may help you keep the account if someone else tries to get the location.....

Schools are great revenue generators but hard on equipment and seasonal.  I know people who specialize in doing student vending who do very well, but they have the resources to absorb the high vandalism and keep moving.  Good luck!


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Well theres camers and they are inside the building. Apperently the rvv is still vending during the day. What am i missing?


I put block 1 enabled

Stop time 730

Start time 1430

Selections all RVV


I dont see why its doing this. Yesterday i trued it a few minutes after and sure enough it said not available until xx and then started it a few minutes after that and it worked. 


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Yes, make sure your clock and date and day settings are all correct.  The blocks can be set for specific days of the week too.  I have mine vend all day on the weekends in case something is going on in the school on a weekend.  Also, you may have your settings reversed....the block may need to START at 730, and end at 1430,  I know I messed up the programming on my Royal a couple times before I figured it out...but now it works like a charm.  You will see a huge drop off in sales once it only vends after school...especially in a middle school.  I highly recommend putting zero cal products and having it vend all day.

I have a machine with regular drinks in the faculty dining room and it doesn't do too well....only around 30 dollars a week.  The students are the big spenders.  

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So i had it set backwards. I had start time when i thought the machine would start and stop time when i thought itd end. It was backwards its when u want the block to start and end. 


Do u guys know if the newer usi blue displays have timers? If you go to a setting it asks date and time. Dont have the manuals for them. 


All my drinks have zero calories except arizona teas and peach teas,  i think coke zero diet dr pepper etc isnt allowed since its carbonated. They also mentioned selling competitive foods and drinks. Slowly tweaking it. 

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2 hours ago, TKK said:

So i had it set backwards. I had start time when i thought the machine would start and stop time when i thought itd end. It was backwards its when u want the block to start and end. 


Do u guys know if the newer usi blue displays have timers? If you go to a setting it asks date and time. Dont have the manuals for them. 


All my drinks have zero calories except arizona teas and peach teas,  i think coke zero diet dr pepper etc isnt allowed since its carbonated. They also mentioned selling competitive foods and drinks. Slowly tweaking it. 

I figured you had it reversed.  And there are no restrictions on carbonated beverages here in PA...at least not at high school level.   Not on caffeine either.

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So.... theyliked the equipment alot.They will be going for bids in july.the guy told me to please bid. High schools seem to be alot more open since i think you can sell almost anything as long as its after the lastlunch break. This district has 47 schools close by. Like 12 high schools, 16 middle and the rest elementary. These sales are great. But iwary of why they dont currently have vending machines. Another district has 63 schools here. Would that be a scary thing to get into? Were talking about millions. But schools can pretty much change over night right? Simple math...

47 schools

3k a month gross each

140k gross a month. 1.7 million a year!? At 40% cogs and 10% comission thats still.like 850k net a year!

2 machines in each school..100 machines at 2k a pop, 200k in equipment. More employees. More vehicles. 

This would be all your eggs in one basket. For sure youd have to pay off all debt with the first rounds to be safe. Dont wanna get the boot and owe 200k in equipment and 80k in vehicles etc. 

Even with the timers from 3 and up just that middle school.is making $200 a day. And yes i know intersession and all that adds up to maybe 1/4 less. Would you guys go all in and try it or stick to 500 to 1k a month accounts


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11 hours ago, TKK said:

So.... theyliked the equipment alot.They will be going for bids in july.the guy told me to please bid. High schools seem to be alot more open since i think you can sell almost anything as long as its after the lastlunch break. This district has 47 schools close by. Like 12 high schools, 16 middle and the rest elementary. These sales are great. But iwary of why they dont currently have vending machines. Another district has 63 schools here. Would that be a scary thing to get into? Were talking about millions. But schools can pretty much change over night right? Simple math...

47 schools

3k a month gross each

140k gross a month. 1.7 million a year!? At 40% cogs and 10% comission thats still.like 850k net a year!

2 machines in each school..100 machines at 2k a pop, 200k in equipment. More employees. More vehicles. 

This would be all your eggs in one basket. For sure youd have to pay off all debt with the first rounds to be safe. Dont wanna get the boot and owe 200k in equipment and 80k in vehicles etc. 

Even with the timers from 3 and up just that middle school.is making $200 a day. And yes i know intersession and all that adds up to maybe 1/4 less. Would you guys go all in and try it or stick to 500 to 1k a month accounts


You're still doing 200 a day at the middle school with the timer going?  Are you sure the timer is working?  That seems high.

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Yes. They have alot of afterschool activities. Its small but has 2500 students. Its like 120 snacks from 330 to 630 and like 100 and up drinks...and this is the healthy stuff

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Big questions that only you can answer for yourself - how much risk can you handle?  How much money can you raise and what is the worst case scenario? 

If they are going out for bids that process can be very detailed.  The first thing to look at is how long of a contract are they offering.  If they want you to bid on a 2 or 3 year contract, realize that at the end of the contract there will be another bid process; and you may well lose to another bidder at that time, maybe even before recovering all of your initial investment.  Another consideration is will they want a provider to handle all of the schools, or are they willing to break it up to make it more reasonable for smaller operators?  Will they give away the drinks to a bottler and leave you with the less profitable snacks?  Government contracts will have fine details about the levels of insurance you carry (liability, auto, workers comp) and your responsibility to the contract, maybe even including fines for non-performance.  The school board is going to want to see how much money they will make from the deal, and they are not really concerned about you making money, that is your problem.  All of this is not to scare you off, but to help you get ready for the process. 

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I know a vendor locally who does a lot of schools here. Snacks only. Has close to 100 machines and averages $40/wk. not all schools are created equal...


what are are you paying in commissions to the schools?

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