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Coinco changers: Vortex VTX1 vs 9302-GX


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I Recently ordered a refurbished 9302-GX coin changer to go into a small 12 selection snack machine, but the seller sent me a Vortex VTX1.  Does anyone have any advise regarding the two? My impression is that the 9302-GX is a better changer, but I'm not sure.  Should I send it back and get the 9302 or just keep and use this one. Thoughts?


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For one thing you should have gotten what you ordered.  For another the Vortex can be a decent mech if it doesn't get lots of use or not much change is paid out.  The Vortex was designed to be used where tons of change  is paid out but the payout mechanism in it gets worn out too quickly.  The GX is more reliable as far as the payout goes as long as the mech is properly rebuilt with new payout slides.  If you need one you can email me at rbepic4gatgmaildotcom.

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