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advice on a vending "island"

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I see around here an "island" of soda/snack vending machines that are put in somewhat of a circle covered by an awning on busy streets.these "islands"(in lack of a better word for this setup)have differant type soda machines snacks etc , and are called grab and go.I want to start up one of these on a property I own a block away from a school,on the same location where I have my vendo refridgerated m and m machine for those of you that know about it.

my intentions are to extend the roof,possibly enough so people can park sideways and be able to get out of the car and not get wet when it rains and to prolong the life of these machines.should I box these in and add sides to this roof so the machines are almost completly protected minus the front,kinda like a lean to?should I have the concrete slab made in a special way so a pallet jack can fit under the machine if it needs moved or repaired?

ideally I want to put a can machine,convert one of my 2 can machine(if possible)to 16.9 oz bottles, the refridgerated m and m machine and an icecream machine,for a total of 4 machines.I have to look at the model of the 2 can machines so I can ask ask if they can be converted to sell 16.9 oz bottles but I think one of the two can.I know 4 machines isn`t a lot compared to what others have but I feel it would be sufficient at least for now and could add to it later.

I want to buy the only machine I dont have new.I want to avoid issues like the ones I am haveing with the vendo. the ice cream machine is the machine I dont have yet.which machine would you guys recomend or would you even recomend a frozen  machine?the type I like has the vacum head robot that lifts the ice cream bars out of a chest freezer.it seems this machine is low maintanece and has a 2 year warranty,but is a little pricey at $5800.00,by fastcorp I think.

could you full line guys give me some advice and guidence with this project please?I want to start construction next month and I want it completed and operational by the end of febuary,right before it starts to get warm so I can take full advantage of the season.

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Yes you are referring to a Fastcorp, I think it would be your best choice for that application, lots of capacity.

I would extend the cover out as far as is practical. I would not close in the sides for two reasons.

1. With 4 refrigerated machines the compressors will generate a lot of heat that needs to be dissipated, if closed in they will have to work harder to keep the contents cool.

2. If you close in the sides then you give potential vandals a place to hide between machine and wall to avoid detection in the event someone comes by while they are messing around with your equipment. If you make it a tight fit to eliminate potential hiding place you will need to refer back to reason 1 as to why it's not a good idea.

Add some good lighting and install some cameras, even if they are fake to deter potential problems. Install high security locks and you should be good to go.

Good luck, keep us posted on the developments. I have enjoyed reading about the success you are having with the M&M machine.


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thanks for the advice you guys have given so far,I apreciate it.I am going to take before during and after pics of the site to update the progress of this new venture of mine.

I will keep the sides open as this will be very important when its extremly hot outside ecspecially since I have to pay the light bill at this location!!I hadnt thought about heat dissipation.the hidding spot I didnt think of but I was going to make it tight so kids wouldnt get back there messing around since the school is right there.

I am refering to the fastcorp machine.I believe it is true when they claim superior reliabilty since the icecream only stays deepfrozen and not the whole machine.it probably uses less electricty then others too.the DN machine I have in storage is a cb501mc.I may have to switch this out with one of the soda machines I have on location though depending on volume of my 2 new soda locations since this machine in storage is cans 3 deep the other 2 machines are 2 deep.so I dont know if  I will be able to do 16.9 oz bottles.we shall see.I shamefully will say that all I know about the 2 machines I have on location is that ones a vendo and the other is a DN.

in the mean time I will start calling around for estimates.this project has to be done before it warms up any.this project is going to be costly,I hope it`s worth it.

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I called fastcorp today and they said they are discontinueing makeing parts for the f631 and the fa20 machines.

I can get a refurb for 2k less dierectly from them and I can also get a $$500 rebate if I get the machine blue bunny branded,but of course I can put what I want in the machine.would it be best to have a plain machine or a branded?

thanks for the advice guys!

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its the same thing as everyone putting coke products in a Pepsi machine, machines that I own that are Pepsi branded most of the time will have a mix of coke and Pepsi products, its not like it affects sales. I would take the 500 credit and do whatever mix you think would sell best.

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I called the contractor today and the mofo still hasnt called me back.unfortunately I cant go elsewhere since with this guy the price is right and the job will look good and made to last.part of the issue may be that he is a friend and knows I will wait for him.oh well I am not in a huge hurry yet I still have over a month before I want it done.

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I called the contractor today and the mofo still hasnt called me back.unfortunately I cant go elsewhere since with this guy the price is right and the job will look good and made to last.part of the issue may be that he is a friend and knows I will wait for him.oh well I am not in a huge hurry yet I still have over a month before I want it done.

Jerks like that give the entire construction industry a bad name. Here is a suggestion, buy a prefab bus shelter, or smoking area cover for the machines and put it up yourself. It should not be difficult to get a design customized for your specific application if you need to.

Did a quick search and here is a link to one of many companies that make these things to illustrate what I'm talking about.


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kelly is right but I am evaluateing all options for now.

I could do the concrete myself if push comes to shove.as far as electric goes I may have the same guy do it depending on price or I can get it done a la cheap by someone that works for an electrician.

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IS IT possible that I cant get a snapple machine in my area,central ill?the distributor aka **** on the phone basicly told me they dont have 3rd party vending and was rushing me off the phone not allowing me to ask questions.

does snapple vend out of a can machine?how does it keep from breaking in a dedicated snapple machine?

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Most professional people would not recoginize the word even if it was spelled right. 


it was intentionaly spelled wrong.professionalism has nothing to do with reconizeing a word,but of course you can have your own opinion.

again I was upset when I typed it too late for me to do anything about it now.

you know what I do with my 2 year old?if someone uses a bad word or if we do on accident we dont make a big deal out of it.when you do,those are the times the word becomes a big deal and is repeated.if the "bad"word is ignored (or not be reconized)it is quickly forgotten and in the past.

that person that I feel is this word that "professionals dont recoginize" was rude and blowing me off,(something I`m not used too)none of you know how I was mistreated by her, so my opinion of her wont change either.the word was not directed to anyone here either unless poplady works for dr pepper so it`s not a big deal.if anyone wants to discuss it further pm me and I will send you me cell number and we can talk.

now if we could get back on topic please that would be great.

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I talked to another contractor today,this one is going to come tomorrow and measure to give me an estimate.

I think I am going to make a 6 foot extension to cover the machines and the costumer at the same time.

I think a 43 inch concrete pad will be enough for the machines ,room to breath and for any kid that wants to stand and watch the new cool robotic ice cream machine while it works.I estimated 5-6 inches of space in the back will be enough,is that the case?

I will take pictures later and post them to show the before during and after phases.

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the contractor said he will start the work as soon as it is more then 10 degrees outside,possibly in a week or 2.

I had another little setback today.I called fast corp and they said they had already sold all of thier refurbished z400 and wont get more.they just came out with a new evolution machine and is available only brand new.I am going to bite the bullet and go new,ecspecially since I wish i WOULD HAVE BOUGHT THE VENDO 669 M and M machine because of the small issues it has had.

on the bright side it will be a top of the line state of the art machine with mars dbv and coin changer, a 2 year warranty,and should last a longtime.they claim 40% less parts then the other machine too, and that sounds great to me.

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I've seen the info on the new Fastcorp. It looks like a great machine.

Alas, like new model cars, new vending machines might have some unexpected bugs.

Please keep us updated as to your experiences with this machine. I for one am very interested to hear.

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