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It depends on the age of the machine.  CB500s are all newer so they use 134a as should most if not all CB300s.  Just remember those have been around longer so there might be some with R12 in them.  You can use R401a (MP39) as a drop in for either gas.  Are you going to be asking any other questions about things you should let a certified refrigeration tech handle?

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Any tech that doesn't have their head stuck firmly up their golpher should be able to figure it out. It's on the golpher data plate for crying out loud. If that golpher is missing then I dunno, maybe a manual?

If they gotta ask you, they ain't a tech.


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Maybe he called over the phone and his tech was figuring out what to bring/diagnose.

The guy asks questions on here and gets the most basic rude responses.

You come across like a goof orsd. Must be one of those keyboard warriors

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For the tech, it shows a fundamental lack of knowledge. If someone needs to ask what refrigerant a piece of equipment uses it shows a severe lack of basic mechanical aptitude, let alone refrigeration knowledge. Meaning, said person is not remotely qualified to do anything involving refrigerants.

Pretty much every commercial refrigerator (refrigerators, reach ins, glass door coolers, prep tables, vendors) made in the last 5-30 years has one of 2 refrigerants in it, R12 or R134a. A competent tech should know this, and carry either a cylinder of each, or a cylinder of R401a as a drop in replacement for both.

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My tech must be an over achiever than cause when I asked about the 8 cylinder rack in his van he laughed at me and said, "those are just the usual bottles some jobs ill have 15 different cylinders in here" 

I didn't ask what was in all of them cause I wouldn't have remembered anyway.

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And what if tkk was on location and having problems with a compressor. Shut down the machine left and went home. Than called his refrigeration tech to see if he could come. The tech is suppose to know from me ore what gas to use for each compressor ever made? That' silly. I am sure once he gets there he would know. My licensed tech does all sorts of service calls and drives a smart car. He only brings what he needs for each job.

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I think one issue is that, when asked where he gets all of his too-good-to-be-true deals, he doesn't let any of us in on it.  I just don't see the point in helping someone who gives almost nothing back in terms of knowledge.  He's been doing this long enough to know a lot of the answers to his questions, or know which manufacturer to call.

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