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Why does this keep happening?

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Does the red column do that too?  If not then is the blue rear spacer set the same and is it truly vertical, is the side shim the same (don't need one), did you leave a spacer rod in the rotor, is it 1 or 2 bottles deep like the red column, are the motor cams identical, do you have a wide rotor and not a narrow can rotor?

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I don't know if that retainer is special made or something but every plastic retainer I have seen looks like the retainer on the can columns.  That looks like a 501e so I am assuming it has no regular gate like most 501e's have.  Honestly, I think the problem is that either the machine isn't level or your rear spacer isn't lined up straight.  Either way, getting a new plastic retainer that looks like the can ones SHOULD resolve your problem.  Yours look like they have been cut, possibly rendering them completely useless as you can see from the picture.

When you load product in columns that have a plastic retainer, it takes maybe 3 seconds to pull the retainer back (you may have to wiggle it a bit to get it over the lip of the metal of the column wall) but pulling the retainer off a little will make it 10x easier to load.  You really don't want to keep pushing cans/bottles in with the retainer on because, over time, they will break and look like the ones you have between columns 8 and 9, assuming yours weren't purposely cut.

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6 hours ago, Apple Leisure said:

You can't see them in the picture but they are there.  It's a bit of a challenge when loading to get the Gatorades past the plastic flap, or retainer, but it's definitely there.

What’s there is what’s left of the retainers. The rest of it broke off.

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For a time, DN stopped using the gates and went with these retainers called armatures for some dumb reason.  After that came the much better sliding gates, which way too many people just leave open and then wonder why cans fall out of the stacks.

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Thanks again to all those who replied.  I wanted to post another picture that shows the plastic retainer in column 9.  When I load the machine I make sure all of the Gatorades are behind this retainer, which I had to pull out and hold with my hand in order for it to be seen.  The way the machine is positioned the door won't open far enough to get a good picture, nor can I see the back spacer, which I suspect is the problem.


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That flap needs to be one he outside of the bottom of the bottle. If it is not then the bottles will walk their way back out of the column. With that flap opened over the bottom of the bottle they are stopped from walking out

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Take the retainer off, load the product, then put the retainer back on.  It looks like you are pushing the bottles in and the retainer is laying flat between the bottles and the wall,making it useless. It needs to be against the bottom of the bottles just like it's doing in the can columns.

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3 hours ago, Golfdogs said:

Are those the small bottles?


20 ounce.


6 hours ago, AngryChris said:

Take the retainer off, load the product, then put the retainer back on.  It looks like you are pushing the bottles in and the retainer is laying flat between the bottles and the wall,making it useless. It needs to be against the bottom of the bottles just like it's doing in the can columns.

I know what you're saying Chris, but I definitely make sure the retainer is NOT laying flat;  the bottles are quite clearly behind the flap with the flap extended as it should be when I load it.

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If it was in properly, we'd see it being pushed out with the stack, but there's nothing showing that.  My guess is that there's too much gap and the retainer has been pushed in so many times and not properly that it's bent inwards now.  If your back spacer is setup properly, leaving a 1/2" gap between the bottle and the pressed sold-out paddle, and the spacer is even on top and bottom, and the retainer is flat against the bottom of the bottles, then it's virtually impossible for this to happen.

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