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Liability insurance


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Account is asking for liability insurance (machines have been there for 10 years) now they are up in arms about it as I am the new owner of the biz, previous owner wasn't required to carry insurance. I'm having a hard time finding companies for vending insurance. Who does everyone use?

Have you ever actually needed to place a claim? - just curious..

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CNA.  You need to be seeking commercial business insurance so if it's just a homeowners company they won't have anything for you.  You need business liability which will include completed products coverage and then add the umbrella policy to it.

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It's pretty standard stuff, any commercial insurance company should be able to help you out.  More and more businesses are requesting "additional insured" certificates, just covering their behinds.  It's more of a "peace of mind" thing for them, but I have not heard of anyone filing any claims.  

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